75′ Kills Walleye and Saugers in Pool 4

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Agree with Dave. If you want to take the numbers the DNR puts out, May and June are the highest harvest time periods hands done. The numbers are not even close to March and April.

    I believe the biggest difference in your observations are directly due to changes in habitat rather than harvest. Spots that held high number of fish 20 years ago are gone, silted in forever.


    Posts: 349

    Let me rephrase and make myself more clear then. I am talking any type of fishing on the river at any season. All four seasons I see more fishing pressure and more people out every year. That is what I am referring to. Not just the whole red wing issue as a whole.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    When you made the statement that over fishing does little or no harm to the fishery, you then corrected yourself on “bad choice of words” and stated heavy fishing pressure has little or no effect on the fish population, that is an opinion/objective/reason. When you say “heavy fishing pressure” does not have an impact on the fishery, it can be implied from your statement that fishing the scour hole will not affect the population of walleye/sauger in the pool 4, or any pool for that matter.

    You are really trying too hard.

    An objective is a goal. I have not really presented an agenda at all, I offered an opinion.

    I can’t help that people want to imply what I am saying. If you can’t make a disconnect between fishing pressure and wasting fish by fishing the scour hole, that isn’t my problem.

    Posts: 349

    And that is what your opinion implies.

    Posts: 1493

    Good God Hunter, let it go…somebody kick your puppy???

    Posts: 349

    lol, just bored. Have to wait at home for a few people stopping by to pick some things up.

    Avon, MN
    Posts: 639



    This study?

    Or this one?

    Pug, I don’t think people like clicking on links.

    The first article represents a 15 year study concluded in 1981 which outlines effects of a year round season on the walleye and sauger population. Stated…due to the fast turnaround of the species, the fishery can handle the increased pressure.

    The second, more recent study, outlines the decline of large Sauger and decline in general catch rates in the system, in which the DNR has no concrete theories as to why the decline. The article states that the DNR is aware of the decline, but isn’t sure why Its happening.

    50 min from the river
    Posts: 125

    I just want to catch big walleyes and saugers and not see little walleyes and saugers floating by me as I fish downstream of the scour hole. Everytime I go up to the dam I am disappointed in those fish that just float on by. You know how I know they were caught In deep water??? Because they are belly up still alive trying to swim but their air bladder has been ejected out their mouth . Last time down on Friday evening I seen 11 dying saugers before dark. Just keep thinking that’s not happening for those who are ignorant.

    Southern Minnesota
    Posts: 604

    I sure wouldn’t mind a regulation like the Rainy river has during the spawn season. Keep 2 fish. Maybe a one over 28 or 30 inches. I don’t really know a way to stop people from fishing that deep water unless the DNR can enforce it somehow.

    Lots of full livewells down there in the spring too. Sure is hard for some folks to toss a few back, I know that. Take a limit once fine, but don’t keep going back day after day and raping the christ out of em.

    Really don’t understand it myself as they taste like crap.

    And I agree the pressure on the fishery sure seems to be up from what it was 10-15 years ago.

    Posts: 1583

    we don’t get the large holes here in the teen pools. the deepest one on 16 is like 38′ and you are right up at the dam. i just watched a video someone posted a few days ago of them catching fish out of 60′ of water and they all have bulging eyes and are hardly fighting. that can’t be good.

    Posts: 2687

    A little education can go a long ways. There are plenty of fish on the edges of the scour hole. If people hear it enough, at least some will slowly start learning to fish a touch shallower and real fish in a little slower.

    If guys want to go up, fish the scour hole and keep their 6 saugeyes, go for it. But don’t be picky, first 6 you catch, keep and take home.

    The rim of the hole, holds better fish than the basin area anyways. The first couple seams, wing dams and main river channel hold a lot better sized quality fish, and it baffles me why guys sit in that hole all day long. I get kicking the skunk out of the boat and getting the cob webs off the rod and reel the first outing of the year, or it is slow.

    Some will never learn, and that’s fine. But there’s a lot that will listen to reason and it will eventually get through to them.

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