Pool 2

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    If you want to hire a guide for Pool 2, wait til this fall and go out with Steve Dezurik. This guys is awesome!! If you want to try Pool 3, give Chris Tuckner(eyeguide on here) a call. If you are interested in Pool 4, James, Dustin, Jarrad, Greg…well there are a bunch of really good sticks down that way. Shoot me a PM if you want specifics about who I’ve hired and my experience. Maybe I’ll see you on 2 one of these nights.

    You should try to hook up with us on 3 next Thursday. Good way to meet some pretty good guys.

    Posts: 922

    Went out for a few hours last night. Got 7 eyes, 1 large carp, and a sheepie. That discharge upstream from the no wake zone kicked out another nice 24+” eye. Seems like every time I hit that area, a nice eye comes out of there. Very nice night out, with the cooler weather.

    If anyone else was out, did you see that parade of flatbottoms come through? What was that all about? There were at least 20 of them; all had flags on the back. Wonder if it was some kind of tourney or something..

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18971

    Oh sure. Pool 3’s not good enough for you.
    You outfished us in walleyes. That’s for sure.
    But not cats…

    St. Paul
    Posts: 372

    Any one lately fish the middle or lower part of Pool 2? I’d like to try this streach over the week-end, any ideas would be appeciated.


    St. Paul
    Posts: 138

    I’ll be out this weekend as well. I plan on (1)pulling some cranks through some rip rap areas, (2)tossing plastics and cranks at some wingdams and (3)exploring a few backwaters if nothing else works. I doubt I’ll get much past option 1 before we find some fish. Maybe I’ll see you on the water.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844


    I saw the flat bottom parade on the lower end of Pool 4 on Tuesday night. I’d be interested to know if anyone knows what the deal is…

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    P2 this afernoon…

    I fished for about 3 hours or so tonight, I got three eyes, one was small, one was about 17 the other looked to go over 20, but I lost him at the back of the boat , a couple smallies, and couple sheepies, and a 4# channel. the action seemed to die after about 3pm The one other boat I talked to said they had got a couple. I was trolling firetigers, didn’t try much else,but that the only color that caught fish for me tonight. Off to the bars

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