The ones I use have a Rap lead of 36″-40″ long and run a dropper leap of 12″-16″ ,I use anywhere from an 1/8oz-1/4 oz Drag’n jig on the the dropper, too slow you will snag the dropper.
Keep in mind if you get dropper lead twist around your crank bait lead go to the next heaviest jig on the dropper,that will help keep the dropper jig down away from the Rap lead.
I believe speed plays a big factor while using the set-up, too fast and you get the dropper jig to tangle around the crankbait lead.
Like said in video.. just about all plastics work on this rig. I prefer a 2 1/2″ Chartreuse shad body or a 3″ Chartreuse twister tail.
BTW … Mine are made of 8lb mono
BTW ..BTW.. Everts Resort has them premade and ready to sell !