I went down to the river last night to watch the guys come off the water. I talked to 6 boats in a row and all 6 brought back fish.The fish were most active right around dusk but did bite all day.Seems like the chanel saw the most fish but 1 boat did do real well up at the dam. The fish that I saw were all in the 15 to 20 inch range but did hear of 1 hawger released. Go slow and go lite .Talked to Jim from the fishing float last night. It seems like the non-boaters did well too.”lots of good eaters and the suckers are running” looks like I’ll have a batch of pickled fish to sample at the shop in about 4 days. All in all it should be a good week-end . Crap, I have to work. Well you all have fun anyway.
Hit em hard make em hurt!