Growth for Lake Pepin vs Rainy Lake Walleyes

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That’s an effective display of the growth of P4 vs LOtW’s walleyes!

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    I really would be curious what other lakes are too like Mille Lacs and Red.

    Thanks for the awesome info!!

    Posts: 406

    Very interesting. Thanks for posting

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 47

    Great information..Thanks

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    I like the comparison but the age chart seems a bit odd to me.

    Age Zero! (0) I didn’t know a fish could grow 8″ by the time is was 0 years old.

    MN DNR Fisheries – Lake City
    Lake CIty, MN
    Posts: 158

    We record fish age based on the number of winters it has been alive with all fish sharing the same birthday January 1. Thus a fish that hatched in April of 2012 and was sampled in October or November of 2012 it is an Age-0 but if it is sampled in February of 2013 it would be an Age-1.

    Rainy Lake, MN
    Posts: 394

    Good work Nick and welcome to IDO.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    We record fish age based on the number of winters it has been alive with all fish sharing the same birthday January 1. Thus a fish that hatched in April of 2012 and was sampled in October or November of 2012 it is an Age-0 but if it is sampled in February of 2013 it would be an Age-1.

    Interesting. Is there a logical reason for using January?
    Wouldn’t it be more accurate to use May 1st as the date to start aging fish at?

    I’m not trying to knock the work you guys do, just trying to understand why you use January as the beginning and end point for aging when walleyes generally spawn in April.

    MN DNR Fisheries – Lake City
    Lake CIty, MN
    Posts: 158

    It is not just for walleye, but for all species. There will be hangups with any date you would choose. For instance fall spawners like brown trout become Age-1 after only a few months, but for most species in MN spawning occurs in spring. By putting the “birthday” on January 1st (in the middle of winter) you never have to worry about an early or late spring crossing your arbitrary date or the varying spawning dates from north to south in MN, and you can easily track how many growing seasons the fish has been through. We often refer to Age-0 fish as Young of the Year or YOY for short and you may see that terminology in DNR reports from time to time.


    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Thanks for taking the time to give a detailed answer Nick!

    MN DNR Fisheries – Lake City
    Lake CIty, MN
    Posts: 158

    Seems I can post the pdfs now thanks for the help BK.

    Ignore the top link and hit the one either above or below this post.


    Posts: 1054

    Thanks for the info. This is why slots have no place on the river IMHO. Nick do you information on other species such as Northern Pike and channels etc. Thanks for taking time to post these things.


    MN DNR Fisheries – Lake City
    Lake CIty, MN
    Posts: 158

    We have at least some information on most gamefish species. If you are specifically looking for growth by age data we have that for other species as well, but unfortunately Northern Pike are notoriously hard to get accurate ages for so we don’t have that and in general we don’t age the channel cats we capture. So I have numbers and catch rate data for those species, but no recent age related data.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12515

    This is very interesting, thanks for sharing!

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