Wind is one of the key factors to this pattern. Get a good wind blowing into a known fish holding area and you’ll score big. Sunday (yesterday) I fished with Dave Olsen and his 2 son-in-laws from Owatonna and we had a field day with this pattern… and the wind in the afternoon was the switch that turned the fish on. Small deep divers are usually the best baits… shad raps, bombers and grapplers. Sunny days I’ve done well with firetiger of late and on cloudy days darker patterns produce big fish in my boat. Some days the rate of retrieve makes a big difference so experimentation there is in order to match the mood of the day. I’ve tried slip bobbers and bait, jigs n’ bait and plastics/ hair jigs and not been able to duplicate the catch we’re getting on the cranks. But that can change from one day to the next. I’ve had it go the other direction when a hair jig caught gobs of fish but they ignored cranks.
The area from Bogus to Deer Is. has been good as well as points further north including Long Pt. and the Maiden Rock area. I’ve not fished further south than that.
We ended up with 7 fish over 23 inches yesterday (5 fish from 24″ – 26″) with a massive 28″ mama walleye that would have been very welcome the day prior during the IDA walleye tourney…. this pattern sure beats the heck out of trolling any day! 
Aight……will someone please give me the skinny on this so called “Pattern” for high water walleye’s on lake pepin 
I casted my
off both saturday and sunday…..fished form the head of the lake to lacpolis, MN and WIS sides……….With nothing to show for my efforts
(other than this extreemly painful sunburn on the top of my right forearm
So what’s the deal? What’s the best type of lure/technique? Color? Why are certain willows better than others? Does time of day matter?
I saw tons off guys doing it both days, so I know there must be something to this……Then again, it’s entirely possible that I don’t know what the heck I’m talking about