Pool 16 trolling bite.

  • uhlee1
    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146

    Finally got the boat out on 16 today, first trip of the year and it was worth the wait. Started out slow, trolled shoreline flooded timber with no action and finally tore into them around 10AM. Trolled an area just north of 280 and the cats wouldn’t leave me alone. Ended up with a few shorts kept a 17,18, and 19. Threw back two slots 21, and 24 and landed a P.B of 29″! The best part of the 29″ was the fact that I let my 8yr old bring it in most of the way to the boat! So its his fish i guess. Awesome day on the water. They wanted it fast and furious too. Trolled up and down stream. The slots and the bigger cats came from down stream trolls at almost 4mph. Upstream 2-2.5mph seamed to do the trick. Couldn’t buy a fish at a slower 1.5-1.75mph troll. 81 degree water temp.

    Posts: 1583

    love to see the big pigs out of 16. 16 doesnt usually get alot of love

    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    Very Nice Fish !!!

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    Like someone said,Good things come to them that have to wait.In our case the river had to start to go down to make it safe. Nice fish!!!

    Mounds View, MN
    Posts: 246


    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    We fished pool 14 Sat. Had 13 fish. 4 over 20″ 4 shorts. Same deal, they wanted it fast. Weeds are starting to become a factor now. Dropping water is pulling the weeds out of the backwaters. Big Wally Divers were the ticket.

    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146

    Lots of debris still in the water lots of grass and branches. I also watched about a 30ft log dislodge from shore and float down. Spooky to think what would happen if someone hit that. Definitely not staying out after dark for a while.

    Posts: 90

    Ditto that on logs floating down river. In Tuesdays nights harvester bass club tournament after the blastoff one of the boats hit one of two logs. They were floating down in steamboat slough, The log they hit took the engine completely off except for the mounting bracket. If they did not have the rear pedestal seat in place the engine would have taken one of them out. thank God they did not get hurt.They said they swerved to miss the first log and then hit the second one. When we pulled up to help the driver said I guess a boat going 65-70 and a log do not mix very well.
    Be safe out boating

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