suspicious activity pool 2

  • jiggin-rake
    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Late lastnight early this morning there was a boat just north of the 494 staying in one spot for 3+ hours shining their flashlights on the shoreline and up in a tree. The flashlights were moving around fast and in all directions. Any idea on what the heck they were up to?? There was no truck and trailer at launch so they came from somewhere else.

    Posts: 4033


    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    Maybe.. never thought of that. But do they search in trees that are 40 feet tall? They focused more on the trees than the shoreline.

    Posts: 3681


    Maybe.. never thought of that. But do they search in trees that are 40 feet tall? They focused more on the trees than the shoreline.

    yes,they are after those bright green tree frogs.Some feel they are very tasty.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Probably law enforcement. They keep a boat in the water at Harriet Island.


    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    There were 3 people in the boat. Boat didn’t move an inch from 12pm-3am. And the flashlights were moving around like there was an army of raccoons coming.

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Heard 2 people jumped from a bridge last night in St. Paul…. Maybe related to that.

    Posts: 149

    North of 494? On the Mississippi? Im trying to understand just where you were to see this happening.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I remember that being a hotspot last year. By the sewer outlet on the west side. I think there were people living or at least camping there with a fire and the cop boat came in lights a blazing. Seems like fire boat came in to hose down the blaze? Someone was with me and I dont remember who. Mike W or Crossin Eyes or someone else?

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    I was fishing at the 494 boat launch on the pier. They were north of the bridge on the east side just downstream of the tiny rock island. My binocs came in handy.

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