White Bass Tagging On The Missississippi/ St Croix

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    From our friends at the MN DNR.


    Greetings from DNR Fisheries;

    Minnesota DNR Fisheries is conducting a tagging study of white bass on the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers this year. We thought spring had finally arrived and we were able to start tagging white bass this week. We got off to a great start before the snow hit and have already tagged about 850 fish in the Mississippi. Our window for tagging during the spawning aggregation will probably be short, so we will be out there tagging every day weather allows.

    A big part of this study relies on reports of tagged fish from anglers, so we really appreciate your help and taking time to report tagged fish. If at all possible, please report tags through the DNR Website. It has a map tool that allows you to mark the location where you caught the fish and boxes to fill in with the information we need. A more detailed summary of the project is posted below, but if you have any questions, please contact Nick Schlesser [email protected] or Kevin Stauffer [email protected] by phone or email. Our phone number is (651) 345-3365. Nick’s extension is 235 and Kevin’s is 229. If you have questions about the St. Croix River, please contact Joel Stiras [email protected] or (651) 259-5806.

    MN DNR White Bass Tagging Study

    Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers – 2013

    Project Background

    White bass Morone chrysops have a limited distribution in the state of Minnesota, where this species is at the northern edge of their range and primarily found in larger river systems. As a sportfish, white bass are of minimal importance in most of Minnesota. However they are a significant component of the sport fishery in the Mississippi River from St. Anthony Falls downstream to the Iowa border, and in the St. Croix River from Taylor’s Falls to the mouth. Creel surveys have been completed on Mississippi River Pool 4/Lake Pepin in two of every six years since 1987. Although Pool 4 is widely renowned for its walleye and sauger fishery, white bass are frequently the most caught and most harvested fish as measured by creel surveys. In the St. Croix River, creel surveys in 1982 and 1997 showed anglers targeted walleye and sauger most often and very little effort was targeted white bass fishing. However, white bass were the most caught and most harvested fish in the 1982 St. Croix River creel survey. In the 1997 creel survey, white bass were only the fourth most caught species of fish, yet was still the number one species harvested.

    Even though white bass are an important component of the sport fishery in the Mississippi River and St Croix River, there has been few detailed studies on this species. In general, white bass populations have been monitored through normal fisheries assessments without any targeted effort for this species. A long-term (1965-present) database of gill net assessments in Lake Pepin is probably the most reliable information available for white bass in Minnesota (MN DNR Large Lake Reports for Pool 4). This long data set indicates that white bass populations tend to be lower in abundance and less variable in the last 15 years than they were prior to that. Anecdotal comments from anglers in recent years also suggest that while the quality (size) of white bass in the river systems is still very high, the numbers of fish seem to be declining overall. High angler catch rates are still common, but the number of locations and periods of time this happens appear to be lower in recent years.

    In recent years MN DNR has used otoliths to determine more accurate ages of white bass. They found substantial differences from estimated ages that were made from scale impressions. Meerbeek (2009) found white bass up to 16 years old, which nearly doubled the maximum age that had been determined from scale aging. Age and growth analysis from otoliths showed that white bass grow rapidly and reach 14 inches in length in their first 4-5 years of growth. After 14 inches, growth is slow but survival is much higher than was estimated from scale aging. The more accurate age determination raised questions about how this species should be managed and what other information should be collected.

    This study will help fisheries managers gain a better understanding of white bass on the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers and determine whether or not a viable population estimate can be obtained with a mark-recapture study. It will also provide information on the movement from known spawning locations, as well as where and when angler harvest is occurring.


    Beginning in April of 2013, MN DNR Fisheries staff will attempt to sample and tag up to 5,000 white bass in locations where they are known to concentrate during the spawning period. Tagging effort will roughly be apportioned with 3,000 tags in the Mississippi and 2,000 tags in the St. Croix. Since this type of tagging effort has never been attempted on either river, one of the primary components of the project is to determine whether or not an adequate number of fish could be tagged and recaptured for a viable population estimate.

    White bass (> 8 inches) will be tagged near the dorsal fin with T-bar anchor tags. Tags will be individually numbered and identified with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources lettering. Approximately 25% of the tagged fish will be double tagged or fin clipped in order to estimate tag loss. Electrofishing will be the primary method of capture, however angling and other sampling gear may also be deployed.

    Information signs and news releases will be used to inform anglers of the tagging project and instruct them on how to report capture of tagged fish. The primary reporting tool for angler caught fish will be through the MN DNR’s website, which has a map interface that allows the user to pan a map image and select the location where the fish was caught. To the degree possible, all anglers who report a tagged fish will be given information on the fish they caught and purposes of the study.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 304

    “Anecdotal comments from anglers in recent years also suggest that while the quality (size) of white bass in the river systems is still very high, the numbers of fish seem to be declining overall.”

    If one just clears the main channel regularly for barge traffic and lets the back waters silt in, then of course the number of fish decline…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    That sure does make sense for the Mississippi Weldon.

    What about the St Croix were there isn’t any barge traffic to speak of? Not much backwaters in the Lake St Croix Beach area either.

    Just trying to make all the pieces fit from my armchair here. You could have totally hit the nail on the head. I don’t even know where they spawn.

    The only thing I know for sure is the old timers on the St Croix say there are less walleyes, channel cats and now white bass then there were about 10 years ago.

    On the other hand there seems to be more perch and gills.
    Not sure about the crappies. Might just be more reported then in the past.

    Bottom line, I’m just tickled pink the DNR isn’t just focusing on how to prevent the unpreventable Asian Carp invasion.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    I think I may have seen a pic or two of a white bass on here..hmm they must be on the decline and I always thought it was illegal to keep a tagged fish.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I can’t speak for other states Moxi. In MN/WI the DNR’s would collect more info if the tagged fish would be released tag intact then to harvest it. But it’s up to the angler to decide that.

    People are within their rights, but it sure does bother me when a tag is removed and the fish is released. I understand it’s cool to have a tag attached to a key ring or whatever, but there’s a lot of money behind a tag in a fish not to mention man hours.

    Why when someone harvest a tagged fish it doesn’t bother me as much, I haven’t a clue.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I have harvested a tagged fish from Mille Lacs but I notified the DNR and they even sent me info on that fishes travels. It was neat. I still have the tag right here at my desk. I dont keep Silvers so unless the DNR specifically asks us to keep the tag and report it I’ll just toss them with tag back.

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Catching a Tagged Fish
    What should you do if you catch a fish with a tag on it? Record the following information about the fish and send to or call the nearest fisheries station.
    total length
    tag color and number
    date and location of catch
    whether the fish was released or kept

    Iowa DNR

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 148


    The only thing I know for sure is the old timers on the St Croix say there are less walleyes, channel cats and now white bass then there were about 10 years ago.

    We caught three white bass (all about 14″) last year on a warm July day, before the river was unfishable. It was a shallow backwater and we were throwing Mepps and Rapalas for northern.

    That’s the extent of my experience with the species … no tags though.


    Posts: 3

    About 7 years ago the dam at Taylor’s Falls on the St. Croix had dramatically changed its flow patterns. It used to fluctuate the water levels for developing peak power out of the hydro-dam. Now the flow is a steady state constant(slower) with no peaking. I believe it was done to help preserve the endangered mussels. Unfortunately it has had some rather huge consequences. Beavers now dam across backwaters and seal off backwater lakes closing them to the main river. These areas were the nursery of the St. Croix.

    When peaking of the Hydro-dam was fluctuating water levels up to 3 feet daily the beavers could not get dams established. The peaking water would also flush and oxygenate the waters allowing the nurseries to thrive.

    Old time fisherman that have been fishing the river for a decade or longer know how much the St Croix has changed over the last 7 years. River fish species are on a huge decline and Lake fish species(large mouth, sunfish, perch) have taken over. So its probably no mystery why the white bass are also in decline.

    Soon no-one will remember what fishing the river was like before the dam flow change. Lake fish species will be the new norm.

    Funny thing is…. fewer river fish, fewer minnows=fewer mussels…..hmmm!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Good Info R Toad! Thanks for sharing.

    I’m sure the DNR will be interested in knowing this.

    Hey! Welcome to Ido!

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    10 years ago LM and bluegill were few and far between. saw an unbelievable boom last year in both species.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    I am with Bigtoad!

    I used to do really well north of Stillwater for many species. Now I fend off the Sunfish and many more largemouth bass too. It started changing a couple years after the water levels no longer changed daily. It would be great if they started that again! Many of my backwater spots are no longer filled with fish.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    From the MN DNR:

    We have had 8 tag returns from anglers and a number of tag returns from other sampling we have done with the DNR.

    So far we have seen quite a bit of movement in fairly short periods of time. We have several fish both from anglers and our East Metro DNR crew that have been caught near the Apple River above Lake St Croix about 2 weeks after they were tagged below Lock and Dam #3.

    We also got a return early this week from an angler near Camp LaCoupolis at the foot of Lake Pepin.

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