New Alma Landing Fee Proposal

  • Outdraft
    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    Your right Jarrod, if they want it they get it,matters not about what the public wants, it’s funny 3 ramps and a dock, i’m not paying for the public dock below LD4 that very few fishermen use,the landing across from Reicks is nowadays just access to a small lake as one can’t get to the main river, also the one at the marina benefits the marina owner and the people who have slips, those folks shouldn’t be able to take up the parking spots for free,as for the ramp at the power plant you know as well as i that its froze most of the winter and they don’t open the restrooms until after the spring eye run is over, a fish cleaning building would just require more maint and is not needed what a joke, ya fixing the old ramp would be nice but it will take away the charm that we grew up,how much you wanna bet the money doesn’t go to the ramps

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 12

    This will be my last post, way to easy to bash someone push the button and send, and your screen name pops up…must be my age but have never been a fan of social media. I guess thats wy I retired from law enforcement, sick of dealing with rude, biased , and ignorant of the facts people. Should have thought about that before I talked into becoming mayor.

    Receipt will come from the envelope and put on the dash like most other launch sites, seasonal will be like a handicapped placard you can put on the dash or hang. Can use the same pass for more than one vehicle if you tow with more than one. Don’t like the stickers, a pain if you trade vehicles or boats. Anyone with questions feel free to call my home number in the book or contact city hall.

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    Not bashing anyone, if the money goes to maintain the ramps i don’t have a problem with it, what i have an issue with is when the money that’s generated from launch fees goes towards something else

    Posts: 349

    If you would have read his first post instead of jumping to conclusions you would have seen that he stated it would be used exclusively for the maintenance and upkeep of the landings.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Last night I ran out of time and didn’t get a chance to post.

    Bob, I was going to commend you for coming to a fishing site to use it as a platform to explain the situation as you see it from the Mayors chair. You did take the opposing views well.

    Most DNR and government officials read these forums but don’t post because there’s always someone that has opposing views.

    Again, kudos for stating the facts.

    When I read your comments this morning….


    I guess thats wy I retired from law enforcement, sick of dealing with rude, biased , and ignorant of the facts people.

    I’m thinking you might want to retire from being Mayor and go fishing. You just may have lost sight of who you are working for(?)

    Good luck with your accesses. For the guys that aren’t happy about the fees, create enough stink and the next Mayor/Council that’s elected will reverse this decision.

    reads landing MN
    Posts: 517


    This will be my last post, way to easy to bash someone push the button and send, and your screen name pops up…must be my age but have never been a fan of social media. I guess thats wy I retired from law enforcement, sick of dealing with rude, biased , and ignorant of the facts people. Should have thought about that before I talked into becoming mayor.

    Receipt will come from the envelope and put on the dash like most other launch sites, seasonal will be like a handicapped placard you can put on the dash or hang. Can use the same pass for more than one vehicle if you tow with more than one. Don’t like the stickers, a pain if you trade vehicles or boats. Anyone with questions feel free to call my home number in the book or contact city hall.

    As much as I want to respond to this I think I better “table” my thoughts for now

    Posts: 25


    I find it funny that someone that can have a 60K truck and boat that’s fully wrapped with his picture on it is making the biggest stink on a $30 landing fee. Everyone is so used to getting everything for free these days! Im all for keeping the landing in good condition.

    I don’t have a problem at all paying the fee…Not at all…. especially if it gets used the right way maintaining the launches. What I was worried about how many people will now use a different landing causing less revenue in the city. If everyone goes to a different landing now so they don’t have to pay may have an effect on local business like bait shop and lodging, etc. Grown up in Alma all my life some of these people are my friends that it will affect..

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 12

    Promise last post about this, like I said, to easy to push the send button when you get pissed, I apologize about the rude , ignorant thing, and I do have to keep the best interest of the 850 Alma residents at heart. And state statutes require that it is used for improvement and maintenance.

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    You’ve never herad of gov’t officials shifting funds around? It happens at all levels of the gov’t

    Posts: 169

    When gas is at $4.00/gallon people are still going to go to the most convenient landings. I guess I look at it different than some. People have to step back and look at the big picture. If you want to keep doing things you enjoy you have to stop pointing fingers. Like I said before its hard to make everyone happy! Bob Scow is trying to stay ahead of the game. Gotta pay to play otherwise stay home, and I will enjoy a open boat ramp

    Posts: 349

    It will be nice to get some outside revenue to assist directly in the funds of maintaining the ramps. You will still get your business for the locals. $5 isn’t going to break most people that do go fishing. It is only a matter of time before you see this at all landings. $7 per launch probably hasn’t prevented a lot of you from launching at everts, maybe now landings will stay open and salted!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ya know, for the last six years (not counting 2011) I’ve always been amazed to see how many rigs are parked at the free crappy back channel ramp.

    With clean launch ramps, anything a person could want for fishing on the river from bait to rigging, coffee/pizza, two miles closer to the dam area, a fish cleaning house and up to date fishing info there are a good number of folks wanting to save that $7.

    Just my observation.

    Posts: 349

    I suppose when you have 300+ boats neither everts or the public ramp could ever accomodate them all, so yes I think the crappy public landing will always be packed free or not!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Certainly in the spring. March/April. I was thinking more of throughout the summer. June/July.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    When you stop and think what does Alma spend on ramp maintenance or any city for that matter? Lets see when looking at the big picture lets use a 9 month season the ramps are open and say they average 10 boats a day thru out at $5 a boat X 270 days that is $13,500 per year. It looks more like a profit center then an actual take care of the landing maintenance.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    Resurfacing that landing just once will eat up that $13000 (and then some) in a hurry! I, myself am on a city council and it is amazing how funds get eaten up quickly. Yes, money is moved around, but if it is stated that it will be used for this, then there will be records kept. Realize that these are public documents and can be viewed by the public at any time. If someone finds funds not correctly being used, they can go to a board meeting and discuss it publicly. Can’t hide from that.

    I have a park sticker at Merrick. That gives me access to their two ramps all year for $30. It also gives me access to ALL WI State Parks for the year, as well. Seems Alma is a little steep for just a boat launch. But, it is getting more common with the cuts that are coming down from higher governments. All boils down to what the public wants.

    I agree, this should have been in the news earlier and the public should have had more time to offer input. A couple days before the vote is poor management.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 12

    About 30-40k just to seal coat, thats one landing..I’ve only beem Mayor for less than a year so yes I still have alot to learn. This has been on posted committee agendas, discussed at the last council meeting, still no matter what is on the agendas no one comes to the meetings…we haven’t had the local paper reporter show up at the last three council meetings. Haven’t had any interest at all until I e-mailed the proposal to the local DNR office..that apparently got the ball rolling. We can’t continue to borrow for improvement least in my early opinion as mayor..I feel if you can’t pay for it don’t have it..especially since you cannot raise the levy, which isn’t all that bad I guess for the local tax payer. Yes I buy park stickers, pay lauch fees when I travel elsewhere, and I am glad to pay for the thing I love to do which is fish some more. I have learned not to rely on other people to get the word out after this I said I am learning on the fly and will try to do the best job I can for the local tax payer and vistor alike.

    Posts: 349

    Sounds like the City of Alma can hire you to be a business consultant and save them some money! You offering your expertise?

    Posts: 125


    Yes I have taken alll of that into consideration. It will have more of a negative impact if we have to remove docks because of lack of maintenance. Inability of the public to access downtown from the river would be devastating. And we do and will continue to use our heavy equipment to remove ice from the pool 5 landing when conditions alow. Usually by mid February.

    If that is true why was the landing completely plowed shut the last weekend in Febuary. We had to turn around and go back to Belvedere Landing which was open and plowed. We ate lunch in Cochrane afterwards instead of Alma. I have know problem if they want to charge a fee but we better get a return on the money. Fountain City is charging also so it is pretty common nowadays. What is the yearly fee proposed and are you planning on stiffing the non residents?

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    It does burn me up when non-residents are charged more to launch or buy a yearly pass.

    Going off recollection, wasn’t the Ike’s park boat launch in Wabasha a pay ramp at one time and they have since removed the fee?

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071


    It does burn me up when non-residents are charged more to launch or buy a yearly pass.

    Going off recollection, wasn’t the Ike’s park boat launch in Wabasha a pay ramp at one time and they have since removed the fee?

    That is correct. There used to be a fee but they redid the whole area right there and removed the fee!!

    Wabasha, MN
    Posts: 88

    The reason that it was updated and the fee went away was because the MN DNR bought it and they now own and maintain it as a public access.

    reads landing MN
    Posts: 517


    The reason that it was updated and the fee went away was because the MN DNR bought it and they now own and maintain it as a public access.

    And they are doing a great job.. Awesome set-up

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    So when is this fee going into effect? Where/how do people get a sticker? Any grace period to start?

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 169

    I completely understand the $5 fee. Alma has a decent landing complete with restroom facilities, that costs money to operate. I am sure the residents of Alma do not want their taxes raised to support it, especially those who do not fish or use the river for recreational purposes.

    As for thinking it will hurt tourism, if you are already making the trip to Alma, what’s another $5? You’re likely going to burn more gas than that on the river alone.

    Also, I live in the Chippewa Valley, where Eau Claire County landings all have a $3 daily or $25 annual launch fee. Some of these landings are not kept up very well at all, and I have wondered why anyone would ever pay to use one of them, so I do understand some of the frustration that comes with paying a launch fee. But I am always impresses with the way the city of Alma does with the landing. To me , this is a justifiable expense.

    Tom Herfel
    Posts: 3

    Just noticed this post. I fish at Alma quite often. I usually use the landing near the power plant. Personally, I’m in favor of “user” fees, rather than taxes. That is, if I don’t use a particular park or facility, I don’t want to pay for it. On the other hand, if I use a boat ramp, I don’t mind paying a fee for using it. I’m guessing most of the older, perhaphs non-fishing people that live in Alma would rather have their tax dollars used for something other than the boat ramps. Depending on the fee, I doubt it will affect city businesses. Also, read any of these fourms. Everyone is talking about all their very expensive gear (boats, motors, fish locators, etc). Hard to believe a $5 – $7 ramp fee is going to seriously damage anyone.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    If they do install a user fee then I believe they better do a better job of keeping the parking lot free from snow banks that are in the way, and get the dock in as soon as the ice is off.

    Was down yesterday never any fun to pull the boat up on rocks because of no dock being in.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    If cities really needed user fees to maintain ramps then they wouldnt charge different rates for residents vs non-residents. Its nothing more than a revenue stream for the city. This is the very reason I dont launch in Hudson. The city council greed drove me away. Its all I can stomach to pay the Prescott fee which increased for non-residents last year.

    Personally I hope high water shuts down the Hudson ramp often like last year and they lose their a$$e$ again. Serves them right for price gouging those across the water.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    My understanding of the Alma fee is that Alma residents are the locals here. ALL OTHERS that do not live in Alma are non-residents and have the increased fee. So it isn’t just MN residents coming across, it is out of town WI residents that also pay higher launch fees.

    Can someone correct me if I am wrong?

    Does anyone know when this is to start? I asked above, and have heard nothing here, or in the news about it.

    Posts: 349

    I heard May 1st, and yes you are correct.

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