mississippi pool 17 at muscatine

  • hawkihot
    Posts: 10

    I have never fished walleye on the river—but I bought a boat this month and I am anxiously waiting for Spring. I live in iowa city area in a condo–so I had to store the boat off-site. Since Muscatine is my closest access to the river I am going to store it there. What is the fishing like on pool 17—or should I go north into pool 16? Hints welcome:)

    Posts: 4033

    You don’t hear much from 17 anymore. Mostly 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18. Not saying there isnt fish there… but you won’t find much for reports of where they are biting. I’ve never fished 17 in the spring, but if it is like most of the rest it will be packed with fish until the melt makes the river muddy up. If you can launch and make it to the dam, go for it. Now until the first melt is the best time of the year to get numbers.

    Posts: 698

    Learn to catch the crappie….

    Posts: 1583

    i know a few guys that do REAL well on crappies on 17.

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