I’ve done a lot of jigging and standard trolling for walleyes over the years. Yet I have never tried leadcore trolling for walleyes. I would like to get rigged for this. Cabelas list their leadcore rod’s as 6 1/2 feet MH for 10-20#. Is this considered normal? I am used to 8 1/2 foot trolling rods, so this seems short to me. Are line counter reels generally used, I know the line comes colored for easy determination of how much line is out, but are there still advantages to the counter reel? Does leadcore run off from trolling boards also, or just straight off the rod, or both? Are big billed (reef runners, wally divers, etc) still pulled or just the smaller billed (original rapala, smithwick) style stickbaits pulled? Would 18# leadcore be the way to go for walleyes? What is the purpose for backing behind the leadcore? How long and what type of leader material is recommended? Any and all recommendations on rod/reel/line combinations and any other tips are greatly appreciated. Sorry the post is so long. Thanks guys.

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