All right!!! WTG Dale
Everts it is! For any anglers who are interested in the MMWS Circuit and maybe wondering what its about. I would like to give a bit of a testimony that it is a solid honest circuit. Dale does an awesome job at being very well organized and playing by the rules. I fished one in 2010, 3 in 2011 and 4 events last year. It’s a river circuit held on pools 4-9 so far. He makes sure everything is in place well in advance,very organized, very professional, does not make any exceptions, and he really fought for NTC spots for his anglers. Which means a lot to those of us who fish his circuit. It is also affordable. I mean, there aren’t alot of circuits you could have such a great shot at a Cabelas NTC, without spending a fortune. I was lucky enough to recieve a spot last year and very thank full for it. What a blast!!!!! Thanks for your hard work Dale, from all of us!!! This will be the fourth year Dale has had the circuit, each year it grows little by little. He is bound and determined to grow this circuit, he has and will continue. The same teams keep comming back as they are very pleased with how things have been handled in the past. The fact that teams must be in the Tues before the event keeps things fair also, no hinged decisions by the results from the day before bite, either your in or not!! Dale and Jenny put their heart into making sure all is done right and if you decide to fish you won’t be disappointed. We can’t wait, take off depends on registration so don’t wait too long! Hope to see you there, good fishing guys.