pool 16 bite

  • hnd
    Posts: 1583

    had a good friend of the family’s 15 yr old want to get out and do some fishing. i could of taken him in the boat and it probably would of been more productive but o wanted to show him some shore spots that i have fished for some time and show him the ropes. we really didn’t leave the first spot as we had a solid bite going. the nicest fish was only 16″ but we hooked into some shorts and some nice 14-15″ saugers. i hadn’t been out for a while so i was worried about the bite. he was thrilled to actually catch some fish and get out. now he wants me to take him out on the ice as soon as we have it.

    Posts: 4033

    Must be fishing in the slough. Sauger bite has really turned on lately all throughout 14, 15, and 16. Those 14-15″ saugers sure do taste good!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Good to hear about pools other then 2 or 4!

    Posts: 1583

    yeah slough. there is one spot where I’ve caught 90 percent of my fish from shore. don’t fish 15 or 14 much from shore. slough is on the way home.

    Posts: 90

    We were out yesterday. Below the rollers was slow, they had all of them open at least a crack. We then went up to the arsenal power dam. we caught 14 eater size sauger. later today we may look for the fish down river.

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