After the PMs I received, I will try to elaborate on the One Eye for vertical jigging…
Several years back, during a spring trip to P-4, Dean Marshall introduced me to the “One Eye”.
The dam was wide open and current was flying down the river…Big Sauger were present , but it was very hard to put a lure in front of them with the heavy current. We even tried 1 ounce blades… but they too were swept downstream. But the compact, heavy (½ oz) One Eye was up to the task.
As Dean would say, there is no WRONG way to fish the One Eye…so be innovative!
What has worked for me over the years in a methodical “lift and drop back” technique. I prefer a MLXF action rod in a 6’3′ length with Hi Viz 6 lb Cortland Endurance or Sufix Elite. Others like braid, but a heavy fish in current gets tricky with the no stretch factor of braid, as tiny trebles can tear out of soft tissue pretty easy. The mono gives me a little “stretch” cushion against this.
Position the boat on a current seam and anchor (this is where the I Pilot Terrova is a blessing!)
Do a controlled drop with the One Eye until it touches bottom…(if you free spool it down, it will tumble and hook itself much of the time)
Take out the slack line by reeling your rod tip down to within about 6-12 inches of the surface…the proximity to the surface will increase your hook set ability by having your rod arm extended toward the water rather than higher above the water.
The Walleye/Sauger are flat on the bottom in this situation, so raise the lure about a foot and let it back down ON A TAUT LINE…(that is important since many times they will suck it in off the bottom after watching it flutter down in the current) until it touches bottom…
Repeat the process… Sometimes I will pause it just above bottom and wiggle the rod tip to impart action….there is NO wrong way to fish this… but over the years the lift/drop and PATIENCE will consistently put fish on.
This is a reaction bait and I prefer bright colors….
Good Fishing!