I always wished my depth finder was smart enough to identify what kind of fish I was seeing down there. It could be a lot of things. Carp, Buffalo, Walleyes ? It sure is exciting to see though.
That is true, we never can be 100% on the exact kind of fish shows up on the screen. Anybody being very experienced with their electronics, especially running dual HDSs with SC & DS can have a much higher degree of certainty of what kind of fish the marks are…. even if you run a 50×50 pixel screen you can at times be certain of what you are marking…
Fishing spots over and over again over the years, during different times of the season, one can easily see breaklines, where silt transitions to sand or sand to gravel or from some other substrate to a clam bed, now just add some nice arcs over these areas and a little time to catch these marks…using correlation and a little bit of Boolean theory
, one can eventually have a high(er) degree of certainty of the make and model of fish they are seeing….even if we don’t actually have a photo showing their pearly whites and white tips.
I have seen many times where you can “see” eyes in a bit of deeper water, say 10-16 fow, I park the boat in about 8 fow and cast into 6 fow or less…and I can actually see the eyes transitioning from the deeper water as they pass under the boat and move up into the shallow water…..
“Catching the marks” and experience…I think one can be highly certain on what they are “seeing”
And yes…at times, my marks have been a white bass or cat….. But, the old “eyes should be here at this time of year, they have been here, they have to be here, oh there they are and then “wham” the fight is on”” happens more often than not….