Mike Westman’s Walleye Tournament pics.

  • gary_r
    Posts: 29

    Here are three photos from yesterdays Mike Westman Walleye Tournament, 10-6-2012. Another excellent tournament this year and a great time was had by everyone. Thanks Mike for doing a fantastic job.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    How was the fishing?

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    I had a great time at the tourney. My first year. I also greatly enjoyed all the great info that was shared and the prize donated by Dean Marshall of a new rod (especially since I won that prize). My partner Oly Olson and I caught a few walleyes including this 25 incher on a firetiger blade.

    Posts: 29

    Hi Tom, Pretty good. Seemed like everyone caught fish. If I remember right somewhere around 118″ total won it and 26.5″ was the big fish. Come on down next year and fish it. Hope to see you again this black friday.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 191

    Please forgive my ignorance! But, just where is this held? I just might join in the next time. Thank you in advance for the answer.

    Take care and tight lines.

    Posts: 9311

    It was the IDO pool 2 get together. It was held at the Lions Levee ramp in St. Paul Park, MN.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13404

    Great photos Gary. Not sure about my name on the contest. We do have a bit of identity issue with the name. Will have to work on that and try to get it resolved by next year. Since the cool names like Saugerama and Freeze your but have all ready been taken Ill need to come up with something else. Did try Pool 2 Fall Hog Haul last year but it didnt really stick for me. Maybe Im just to picky.

    Way to go Daryl on winning the drawing for the fishing pole. You will have to let us know what you end up choosing. Think that was a great idea from Anglers Guide to give a certificate and let the winner pick a pole of their liking. Dean had some of those eyecons down at Everts last weekend that looked very nice. Maybe Ill have to see if he wants to bring a few back up to pool 2 for a on the water demo later this fall.

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