RING WORMS where to buy them?

  • hotrod11
    Posts: 2

    where can i buy some of those ring worms .iwould like to give them a try . ihave the web page just wondering if any bait shops carry them or if you can go directly there and get them . any info is greatly appreciated .

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    If you want to buy them by the 100 pack and a little cheaper, get them from the website online store here at FTR. If you want to just pick up a few to try them out and see if you like them, I have them here in my bait shop.

    PS…(They really worked today!!) No lying!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    So thats the bait you were using to catch fish with in your dreams today when I woke you up from your nap! LOL. Steve said the bite is starting to pick up as some decent fish were caught today he said. Looked like alot of people out today. I made my run of dropping off Lake Pepin Open Walleye Classic Tournament flyers so no fishing for this guy so I’ll have to catch em in my sleep tonight like Steve did today. Thanks for the report Steve and sorry to have waken you up. Bill

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Sure Bill……..you’re makin me look bad here. I start my day at 5:20am running like a mad man around here and I take a 10 minute snooze at 4pm and you catch me!!!!!LOL. Oh well, it felt good anyway! I’m gonna do a report now, so check it out. Pretty good day of fishing (and catching) for most people. Check out the report. Thanks.

    ps. I’ll try to not let you catch me sleeping on the job anymore. It’s a good thing my boss is computer illiterate and won’t read this.LOL.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    OH, Did I forget to mention that you had been up since 5:20 am and also had a boat go out at 4:00 am.??? Shame on me!!! LOL Bill

    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    Steve, That watch dog of yours napping too!! Sic em Ziggy!

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