Pool 12/13 – Any Action?

  • jags
    Posts: 92

    I have not been out on the river as of yet and was wondering if there is any walleye action on pool 12 or 13. I have seen very few boats out.

    So – anybody got any pool 12 or 13 action they would like to share. Just looking for a starting point for the holiday weekend.

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Can’t help you much but I do know that the lower part of P9 had a mayfly hatch so I’m thinking you may find a few down that away

    Posts: 5

    haven’t heard any good reports from 13 yet this week but the water should be very fishable by the weekend.its been high but is dropping like a rock today and tommorow.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1848

    Guttenberg has been pretty dead. The corp opened the dam and the fishing has been pretty tough. As far as Dubuque or Bellevue, not so sure. I would imagine they’re pretty tough right now, too.

    Posts: 3

    Fished P13 on 5/20. High and muddy. Pitched hair jigs and threw 3-ways most of the morning. zip. The river is dropping fast for the next few days, which should improve conditions until today’s MN rains come down next week.

    Posts: 92

    Thanks folks. That pretty much solidifies the same stuff that I have been hearing. Yeah, the mayflies are beginning. Not many yet, but we all know how THAT turns out.

    I plan on hitting a couple of unfished, back channel areas to see if I can scare up anything this weekend. I am not holding out any high hopes. Jigs w/meat, 3 ways and cranks are on the short list.

    Heck, maybe I will go try for some jumbo perch and forget the walleye.

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