went out last night armed with my st.croix 8′ 5wt and a arsenal of weighted streamers. object was to target walleyes on wingdams and some sand flats that have been good to me. the white bass and smallies had other plans!! still was a blast, those white bass on fly rod are a riot. I had fast sinking tippet and was getting down 6-7ft with the current. got snagged a few times its not easy to pop a fly like a jig or blade with out getting behind it.first time i ran into these guy on pool4, 3 river otters came and checked me out for a half hour or so. one spotted me and waisted no time to check me out then 2 more came over the bank and waisted no time getting in the way. kinda like watching the 3 stooges play around they got as close as 6ft from boat just sat there and watched me. i shut down the trolling motor in fear that one would swim into it. once i drifted 70yds or so they left. dont know maybe they were trying to run me off. it was a good night i lasted till 5am then called it a night. no walleyes but im not done with the fly rod yet.
April 20, 2012 at 5:37 am