tried prescott today after work and after a a few hours of nothing. made the choice to run down to the dam with a buddy and aleast get away from the wind.(some what)and it was woth it. picked up a few sauger and a sheephead by the dam pitching blades and pulse-r’s. worked r way south hit spot after spot and right around sunset and after we stuck a few nice ones. one was my best on p4 and a 28″ and 20″ and a fat lets say 30ish
story behind this is we couldn’t find the tape measure andi didnt want to keep her out of the water long so we put her at edge of my rear box and pushed her tail on the side of the boat making a wet tail mark. i know its not the same but its close. found the tape in rod box and measured from the edge the the tip of the tail mark. it read 33″ but i figured the wet spot sread a bit in the minute it took to find the tape.
April 3, 2012 at 2:07 am