Pool 4 PB Walleye on Friday

  • captddh
    Cannon Falls, MN
    Posts: 534

    I’m not a big fish guy but its sure a treat when you you get one. Mid morning on Friday,.. big walleyes, sturgeons and catfish were coming right and left with several boats getting into the action. Cameras were flashing all over the place with smiling fisherman. Then it was my turn for my biggest ever walleye. Only 29.5″ but really full of eggs with a huge girth. The scaled bounced between 13 and 14 lbs settling in on 13.5 lbs. Seemed high, so I checked the scale at home,…a whisker high on a 10 lb weight. So, I guess 13.25 is what she actually went. Fellow IDOer Barry (Brown bear) who was along on an open seat post, did the netting honors,…thanks Barry! I returned moma to finish spring duties. (gratefully,…eveyone was doing the same)

    She hit a chart blade on a St Croix pole that Dean set me up with last fall. This pole is my my lucky charm as it caught a 50-55 lnb sturgeon earlier in the spring.

    Could someone help me post a couple of pictures? Looks like a web link is needed. Thanks

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    That’s great that you guys were getting into the fish like that! I can’t wait to see these pictures. Hopefully somebody can help you out.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2584

    Click on the “manage photos” button just above the text box. Can’t wait to see the pics! 13 pounds is a true trophy – nice work!

    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 386

    I was in the boat with Captddh when he hooked into that monster walleye. I grabbed the net and waited to see the fish surface. When it did my knees started shaking and all I could think was don’t mess up this net job!
    Thankfully I got the beast on the 1st swipe of the net and Capt Dan had his personal best in the boat.
    It was by far the heaviest walleye I’ve ever seen. The girth was incredible. It was well over 13 lbs on the scale in his boat.
    Congrats to Capt Dan on his PB and for the quick CPR.
    I took Dan up on his “open seat” that day and learned a lot. He’s a great stick and a fun guy!
    Thanks again Dan!

    Posts: 125

    Very nice, fish of a lifetime right there. Way to go on the netjob Barry

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