Please add your reports if you wish.
The weather was great almost to nice for early spring fishing. It brought out a lot of fisherman as many of you know. I found Saturday to be very good fishing. My dad and I put in an almost full day (7-5) and came up w/ 24-26 fish. Pretty respectable and exceding our expectations! The surprise of the morning was this 25″ cpr’d from an obvious location:(the dam)
We kept 4 eater sauger all caught by the dam for our Friday fish fries, and released 6-8 females that were around 17.5″+ that will hopefully make it to the spawn. Left the dam around 11 becuase if just got too crowded and fished all the community spots down to Baypoint and couldn’t put together a decent bite on any one spot except for the dam. All fish came on hair jigs and minnow various colors. We didn’t catch a single fish on plastics.
Heres a couple just shy of 17″ we kept:
A nicer picture but trying to make them look bigger
Sunday they seemed a little tougher to swindle into biting we only boxed 2, 1 at 15.5″ and the other 16.5″ from 7-noon. I’m excited to see the bite pick up as this is my first year fishing pool 4 before the spawn because I’m usually chasing those late ice pannies and then I don’t have time to think about fishing until the Croix or Wis. openers.
March 18, 2012 at 10:13 pm