Made it down this afternoon and found fish to be active at times, seemed they were either shorts on over 18″ the evening bite picked up nicely, draggin 3/32 with a 4″ ringer was good and box some eaters, then it went dead so i went and worked some shoreline, a couple cast up on the rocks and thud set the hook on a solid fish after a pretty tough fight, had the fish up to the boat three times and finally got it in the net and lifted the big girl in the boat and set the net on the gunwale, with heart racing I reach over to pull the fat girl out of the net and she was flopping all around, went to grab her and she flopped over board released her self but not before driving a jig deep in my finger, so frustrating the boat by me asked me if I needed a picture taken, told them she got away, I’ll set the net on the floor from now on!
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