Pool 4 report 3/13

  • redneckjr
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    It was slow out today for me and most of the people I talked to out there today. I ended the day with 7 or 8 legal fish all of which were released. Also a bunch of short fish were caught. The best colors today were white and firecracker paddletails. I also caught a few fish on hair and minnows and cranks. The water is all over the place and they changed the rollers again since this weekend and the water temp is up to 44.7 degrees. So once it settles out and stabilizes some we should see a pretty good bite. Today was a great chance to practice my vertical jigging skills and boy can I say I am rusty, thankfully my limit creeks were forgiving enough so that I had that extra second that I needed to land those light bites.
    Overall it was still a great day to be on the water even if the bite was a little slow. Can’t beat the weather.

    Posts: 3681

    Sounds like a great day from where I was today and I know it beats the hell out of where you were a short while ago.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi Chris
    Didn’t see you today.
    I was out also, overall slow but got some bites.
    Super day to be on the water.

    Posts: 2627

    Interesting post but no mention about props Were those hot baits the old paddletails or the new Pulse-R’s? I know on Saturday evening what little dragging bite we had the 8’3″ Limit Creeks were the hot rods.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012


    Interesting post but no mention about props


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    Interesting post but no mention about props

    I think that is a good thing

    Thanks for the report. I have been just itching to go. Hope to get out this weekend, and for sure next week before I start the new job

    Posts: 2627

    Farmboy, sometime in the last year while the boy was gone someone moved the rockpile coming out of the racetrack a few feet and so he found it the hard way—or at least that was the story I got as he showed me a prop that looked like I had been driving

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    I knew I couldnt keep it under wraps..yep thats right I tore the crap out of a prop while I was out.

    I think I saw you headed up to the dam bout 1 oclock, I would have waved but by the time I saw you, you were already past me. I was the one running round in a cowboy hat out there…I think that might be my trademark from now on green lund and cowboy hat.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    I do want to say thank you to the nice guys that watched it happen and stopped to make sure I was ok and see if I needed any help. they were in an older red lund with an evinrude on the back.

    That’s why I always carry an extra prop in the boat.

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Thanks for the report RedneckJr. Where is that misplaced rockpile? Is the clarity of the water decreasing with the water rising?

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    There are 2 kinds of river props, those that have been wrecked, and those that will be wrecked

    This weather is killing me. 2 days of work left. Man I hope I can get this next week when I am unemployed!

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    water clarity is gettin a little dirtier but not much. When you’re coming out of the cut just south of the race track there is a rock pile on the north side of the cut in the main channel…it covers about the top 3rd of it…once you cross into the main channel just start turning south at a 45 degree angle and you’ll be fine.

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Thanks for the info on water clarity. Not sure what you mean by race track though. I guess I’m not down there enough to know where that is.

    Posts: 2627

    If you do not run the backwater areas then you don’t have to worry about THAT rockpile. If you are headed downstream from the high bridge in Red Wing you will see a small cut on your left hand side. The rockpile is at the entrance to that cut. If you go through the cut the racetrack is the large open area in front of you. When I am out fishing with the boy he is always showing me shortcuts and back ways to spots—-every once in a while it cost us a prop but that is a part of river fishing. Or at least that is my story and I’m sticking to it.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I thought there was a closing dam in front of that cut? is it only a rock pile? This is the small cut right at the bottom of the campground right?

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 1189

    Thanks for the explanation Rich. I have been through there a few times when the water is higher.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213


    I thought there was a closing dam in front of that cut? is it only a rock pile? This is the small cut right at the bottom of the campground right?

    Wrong cut. They are speaking of the one in the back channel the splits off. You are thinking of Putnam dam

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Thanks Eric. Reread the explanation and I thought it was a cut off the main channel. I unfortunately know that rock pile

    Plan to fish Monday or Tuesday. How is the traffic during midweek? I may do a Alma run if it is too crazy and stay away from the clown show

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Clown show?! And I wasn’t invited!

    There’s still 9 miles of “by yourself” fishing to be had.

    Which reminds me, where did I put my red nose…

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    Clown show?! And I wasn’t invited!

    There’s still 9 miles of “by yourself” fishing to be had.

    Which reminds me, where did I put my red nose…

    Actually with the warm weather we’ve had there’s a lot more than 9 miles……just sayin

    Posts: 329

    Hey Redneck 1st cut below highbridge goes into lower mud lake.2nd cut below high bridge splits and either goes to old mud lake to the left or to the right you go dead slough lake and putman dam.3rd is slightly above Colvile park. Can you clarify you are saying off main channel in Redwing High bridge or did you mean the back channel bridge and the 1st cut to the right.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    We’re talking about the 2nd cut, it’s the only one really travel-able right now, and even its kind of shallow.

    Posts: 329

    Thanks for the clarification Jr. Something just didnt seem quite right with your dads description.That is one cut that with all the years that I have fished the river I can honestly never gone through. I have gone through the 1st,3rd,4th 5th, etc and many of them off the back channel like funks cut etc, my grandfather lived in Red Wing his whole adult life and fished 4-5 days a week and I spent alot of time fishin with him and my dad grwoing up. Now I spend as much time as I can down on the river as possible.

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