Was wondering if Miss R. walleyes are spawning yet or when it would be.Want to go this Friday. Thanks
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Walleye Spawning Yet
April 12, 2004 at 8:12 pm #300785
say H2O,do the eyes go frist or the sauggys ? i thouht that the eyes went frist?
April 12, 2004 at 8:47 pm #300795That’s what people keep telling me yet every year I run into the post-spawn saugers first.
I’ve not seen a post-spawn walleye… or even heard of one being caught by anyone coming into the resort… but we’re seeing tons of post-spawn saugs.
April 12, 2004 at 9:41 pm #300806James,
Was out on friday and had 2 walleyes that were already spawned out but most of all were still full. Probally about 50% of saugers were spawned out already.
April 13, 2004 at 2:59 pm #300920How much success has there been towards the lake? Do you think the fish will begin showing up in good numbers down towards Colville and Youngs Cabin? Also, has anyone been having success pulling 3-ways? I’m heading up Thursday-Sunday and will gladly report upon my return.
April 13, 2004 at 3:25 pm #300921Some success on 3-ways and cranks but it has been limited to tons of small stuff and a few eaters. Nuttin to write home about. At least for the guys I have been talking to that are doing it.
I’ve heard of a few fish, small numbers, coming from the general area you mentioned. I wish I had something concrete for you down near Pepin but I’ve not found it myself and haven’t heard anything glowing from others.
April 13, 2004 at 3:39 pm #300923Oh yeah… forgot to mention… lots of post-spawn walleye have been caught the last two days.
April 13, 2004 at 6:59 pm #300852I talked to the DNR out in Spring Valley Illinois and they said the Sauger start about 2 weeks earlier than the walleye do out there. I would imagine it is pretty similar in the Mississippi. However, the sauger tend to drag out the spawn over a longer period of time.
April 14, 2004 at 12:38 am #300990Caught my first post spawn piggie on Monday afternoon, caught on a chartreuse K-krub. I will have pictures up later in the week. She was a bit over 29″, skinny as a rail!
April 14, 2004 at 12:39 pm #301042The DNR study on Pool 4(in the Articles section) has the temperature ranges when Walleye and Sauger start their migration and spawn. I actually graphed it out but the info is at work. It shows (on Pool 4) that the Sauger start to migrate and spawn before the walleyes. I think Sauger peak spawn was at about 44 degrees and walleye was at about 46. If anyone is curious the info is right here on site in the article.
Posts: 443April 14, 2004 at 11:43 pm #300773Hi, “we are seeing tons of sauger spawned out”. I think that is what I read. Maybe we should close the season during this time so “tons of sauger are not caugh”. Oh well, what do I know?
April 15, 2004 at 1:51 am #301125StaleMackrel
Maybe we should close the season during this time so “tons of sauger are not caugh”. Oh well, what do I know?
Just because they are being caught does not mean they are being kept.
April 15, 2004 at 2:12 am #301141Me thinks you take things too literal.
Allow me to re-phrase…
“The majority of saugers being caught now are spawned out.”
The keeping is up to those doing the catching I guess as long as they comply with established game & fish regs.
A tidbit to digest… the majority of our harvest does NOT take place during the spawn. May and June are top harvest months, at least on the walleyes. Spring gets all the attention with the other seasons closed in MN and the potential for a trophy but we really don’t see a high percentage of our harvest take place from October – April. Despite all those boats out there.
Hi, “we are seeing tons of sauger spawned out”. I think that is what I read. Maybe we should close the season during this time so “tons of sauger are not caugh”. Oh well, what do I know?
April 15, 2004 at 2:26 am #301147Quote:
Hi, “we are seeing tons of sauger spawned out”. I think that is what I read. Maybe we should close the season during this time so “tons of sauger are not caugh”. Oh well, what do I know?
Maybe I’m bitter about having a poor season so far, but this kind of response gets under my skin. Nothing personal, sorry.But maybe it would be better to not make such emotional judgements without some kind of factual studies to back it up.
There are hundreds of things that go into the stratigies for the basis of fish and game regulations. Of the top factors emotional hunch’s are nowhere to be seen.
Again I’m not looking to pick anyones nose here, I just wish we could see some proof to back up the ideas.
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