Ring worms

  • YoungRat
    Posts: 8

    How do you rig them?

    Whats the best way to fish them.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Rig ’em just like a regular twister tail. Drive the hook from the front, down the center, and out the top just like a 3″ grub….

    And the how to fish ’em part is best answered for you by reading this article, written by Jim “Beav” Slivinski. Its all there and very well written. Best part is if you have any questions, come on back and ask ’em and somebody will help you out here for sure…


    Posts: 8

    Thank you great site uall have here.

    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448

    i love riggin ring worms on mushroomhead jigs, you can catch everything from walleyes to bass on rign worms…

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I had to bite the head off the rigworm monday ….but thats all it took to help me land 5 nice eyes….I DON”T DO STINGERS ANY MORE !! It’s un real how those eyes will take that whole ring worm in but I used to get short bites using twister tails…. I wish it would’a clicked… about 10 years ago fishing below Lynxville dam nothing was working so I pulled out a rubber worm out of my tackle box “Tequilla Sunrise with a long ribbon tail” I bit off about half of the upper body and strung it up through my jig and ~ WALA~ !! I was in sauger heaven and several boats were keeping a close eye on my jig…

    How long have ring worms been around ? I’ve only been using them since this last fall…Thanks to the info from this site I’m sure I’ve caught and released more eyes than I would have with out using them.Thanks again EFN


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Body modifications are a must at times. Dustin and I were talking last night about doctoring huge twister tails to get the right spin. But…Look at this attachment if you are curious about how well ringies work. The fish H20 has in his mitt is about 16″. Look how deep they take the worms…

    We will have more on this at the Walleye Searcher’s Seminar Monday night.


    Posts: 229

    Here’s a pic of the usual location that a ringworm winds up when an eye eats it. See that purple lump in his throat? That’s not one of his tonsils.


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    So why do you guys think that the rings get so much better of a bite than the regular twister tail ?


    Posts: 229

    Big, easy meal. I’d go for a pizza over a chicken nugget if I only ate once in a while.

    People that think that river walleyes are anything like their finicky lake cousins are mistaken.

    They feed like trout. A missed opportunity or a meal passed up equals a skinny fish.


    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    intresting…..I thought that there was so much food for them that if i had to throw a ringworm at these eyes i would only get lucky as to get one that was hungry. assuming that i knew where the bait fish were hanging in the first place. so i was a year around small bait user ….but not any more !!! Lucky me -)


    Posts: 229

    I used to be a Twister/minnow man. Caught alot of fish when they were active. Other than that I caught alot of smaller fish when things got tough.

    Once I started catching fish on ringworms and targeted shallower fish with bigger baits, I did much better…..especially size wise.

    In the last couple of years I’ve caught eyes on lizards, Pulse Worms…..basicly an over-sized ringworm…..skirted spider jigs and more. I went bigger and bulkier. Some days I blanked, but that happens anyway.

    I also use hairjigs and Super-Dos, but usually only after I try bigger baits first.

    When I see the size of some of the prey in a 16″ walleyes stomach, I’m convinced that they’ll eat lots of big meals. A 4″ ring worm is a morsel to an eating size walleye. I think big plastics are another underused tool for the average angler.


    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    Just got back from Redwing. Tried using ringworms for the first time just for a little bit. Caught one small eye. My partner pretty much wanted to only vertical jig so I wasn’t able to give it the time to learn this method. You can bet I will in the near future though. It seems like a great method.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    My attachment did not show up???? But, it was similar to Beav’s pic.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Tried it again and no luck. Tried Beav’s and his worked.

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