Sauger/Walleye Taste Test

  • JasonP
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    I’m curious to see what people think about the taste of walleye versus the taste of sauger. A guy at work swears that there is a noticeable difference…but being a P2 fisherman mostly, I just haven’t eaten enough sauger to notice. What do others think?

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I have cooked them up side by side many times and I can not tell the difference. I would respectfully disagree with him.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    I’m curious to see what people think about the taste of walleye versus the taste of sauger. A guy at work swears that there is a noticeable difference…but being a P2 fisherman mostly, I just haven’t eaten enough sauger to notice. What do others think?

    .He must have better taste buds than i do. One and the same here…rrr

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294


    I have cooked them up side by side many times and I can not tell the difference. I would respectfully disagree with him.

    X3 here.

    And until someone proves it in a blind taste test, I’ll always have my doubts!

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    The few I do get we can’t tell the difference. They are so darn good I don’t even think of it but I can tell ya they cost me about a $300 a pound

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Majority of fresh water (white meat) fish taste the same………. flavorless. Unless they have a muddy taste. The only way a person can honestly tell the difference between white meat fish is the texture of the meat (flakiness).

    I always chuckle when someone says Crappie are better than Walleye, etc.

    Gary Sanders
    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 434

    I do not believe there’s a discernible difference in taste between a sauger and a walleye. That said, I DO believe that small saugers and walleyes taste better than big ones. Makes it easy to throw bigger fish back.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3909

    Between W and S I do not notice a difference on P4, nor do I notice a difference on LOW. However I do notice a difference in taste (muddy) from fish in the river in general when compared to ML or LOW.

    Thats just me though.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    As a guy who doesn’t really like to eat fish, I say I can tell. Sauger are fishier tasting in my opinion. The darker part of the fillet seems to hold more of that fishy taste.

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Kinda off the subject but I can tell the difference between Crappies and Gills. Our Gills are much stronger not that it’s bad in any way

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Yuck don’t eat the dark meat

    Posts: 1009

    We eat fish quite often up to 3 times a week depending on how much fishing we do.

    some say you cant tell the difference. I can tell you this I can and so can the rest of the family. saugers are very good but not as good as a walleye to me! Pike are my favorite id take them over a walley or sauger any day!

    Posts: 1009


    Between W and S I do not notice a difference on P4, nor do I notice a difference on LOW. However I do notice a difference in taste (muddy) from fish in the river in general when compared to ML or LOW.

    Thats just me though.

    the reason for this is you have saugers in your river fish and its all walleyes from the lakes! you just told us you can tell! that slight muddy flavor is the saugers! meat is not as firm either!

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Really, I’d like to conduct a blindfolded test and I would even throw a White bass or two in there and I would bet money you or anyone else couldnt tell me the difference

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I just like the breading or batter. The fish is just a vehicle for the breading to stick to while frying.

    Northern IA
    Posts: 83


    Yuck don’t eat the dark meat

    Agreed, makes all the difference.

    Posts: 1009


    Really, I’d like to conduct a blindfolded test and I would even throw a silver bass or two in there and I would bet money you or anyone else couldnt tell me the difference

    Sounds like I could make some easy money
    And get fed too!

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020


    some say you cant tell the difference. I can tell you this I can and so can the rest of the family. saugers are very good but not as good as a walleye to me! Pike are my favorite id take them over a walley or sauger any day!

    Agreed! Both great and yes cut out the lateral line.

    Posts: 1583

    have done this on a few guys who were certain they could tell the difference. they couldn’t. one guy picked out the whitebass i threw in there however. at least he was like “that doesn’t taste like either”

    they are the same guys usually that tell me they can, without any electronics, outfish a guy with a flasher.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Between W and S I do not notice a difference on P4, nor do I notice a difference on LOW. However I do notice a difference in taste (muddy) from fish in the river in general when compared to ML or LOW.

    Thats just me though.

    Not just you. I was going to write the saem thing!


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Same here. They both taste the same. Hint of mud but edible with enough beer and batter.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    Must add they are better if you zipper the mud line out of them.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    double blind tested walleye against nothern on Kabe a few years back and 8/10 voted for the northern.

    never done sunfish or crappies..

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    Must add they are better if you zipper the mud line out of them.

    That is a must for all walleye and sauger IMHO.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141



    Must add they are better if you zipper the mud line out of them.

    That is a must for all walleye and sauger IMHO.

    I agree

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667


    Majority of fresh water (white meat) fish taste the same………. flavorless.

    Maybe its just me but I’ve always thought that perch had a very distinct flavor compared to bluegills and crappies. But I agree about texture being a big factor, I’ve always prefered bluegills to crappies just because the meat is more firm, where the crappie meat tends to be kind of mushy. Like others though, I agree there is no obvious difference between walleye and sauger.

    Western WI
    Posts: 20

    I can agree with everyone here as far as taste goes, but I think firmness of meat is a definite difference between the 2, especially in the summer months. Treated the same from water to pan a perch, bluegill, or walleye will have firmer meat than a sauger or crappie. Thats why perch and walleye are on restaurant menus for 15 to 20 $$$ and sauger is not. Any tips on keeping sauger fillets from late May through Nov from being mushy would be greatly appreciated!

    Posts: 630

    Put an oxygenator in your livewell, or fillet them as you catch them and pack them in ice immediately.

    Posts: 406


    or fillet them as you catch them and pack them in ice immediately.

    I thought I heard that this is not legal? No filleted fish in the boat someone told me. Anybody know the rule on this I may be thinking of Canada rules and the guys I fish with maybe just full of sh_t.

    I can not tell the difference in the 2 they are all good. But if someone wants to do a blind taste test count me in as I never pass up a free fish dinner.

    Posts: 295


    Really, I’d like to conduct a blindfolded test and I would even throw a White bass or two in there and I would bet money you or anyone else couldnt tell me the difference

    Are you cutting the blood lines out on the white bass if not? what are we beting on this one? white bass with the blood lines removed are pretty good table fair but next to walleye/saugers 15 -17″ there’s a difference in not only taste but texture alone. but then again i love eating fish

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