
  • Tweinzierl897
    Posts: 4

    Hey Folks,

    I was just wondering the ice conditions on Frontenac…..I generally fish south of the crack/pressure ridge….I was wondering if people were still venturing out on the ice and possibly how much ice left? I am thinking of heading down one more time this Sunday…….Any info would greatly be appreciated…..

    Thanks much


    starvin pilgrim
    Posts: 335

    I went out there this morning at 9:30, more to check the ice than to fish. The ice is still pretty good. 100 yds out 12″, 150 yds 10″. There were a couple wheelers at 200 to 25o yds out. The sand bar is wide open. There were about a half dozen guys north of the north of the sand bar and 6 to 10 south. About 2″ of water and slush standing on the ice. I stayed at the 150 I marked fish regularly, but no takers, jig or dead stick. The ice is receding from the landing so you’ll need to go up the beach to get on the ice. I’ll be going early tomorrow and maybe Friday. Then I may be hanging it up for the year around here. DNR pulled up while I was loading up. He asked me about ice conditions and thickness, checked my license and left. He was at the top of the hill when I left on his radio, so guessed he was checking all local ice. The ice receding fast from the south also. Way up past Lacopoulas.

    Posts: 4

    Thanks Starvin Pilgrim,

    If you or anybody else who wants to pipe in…..if you could let me know this weekend’s ice conditions too…..would be greatly appreciated……I plan on headin down Sunday morning…..

    Thanks much and take care


    SE Minn
    Posts: 23

    I drove by last night and there were people out. The shoreline is opening up at landing. you need to go out from the beach. Off the point the pressure ridge is open. No-one had any shacks they were all on buckets and there was an inch or more of slush on ice, There was 1 wheeler out there but if you ask me they were either brave or crazy. Off long point the channel is open. To the north off point no point there is open water. That is the best I can tell you with out going out. Hope this helps you alittle.

    Posts: 4

    Thanks for the info guys……Just wondering if anybody made it out today? and how are the ice conditions today? I am thinking of taking a trip down tomorrow morning and staying til Tuesday….

    thanks much


    SE Minn
    Posts: 23

    I didn’t get out today or any of the guys I fish with so sorry can’t help you today.

    Wabasha, MN
    Posts: 88

    I fished friday afternon from 2 pm until 6 pm and didn’t catch a fish! The water has come up and the visibility was down to a foot or less! I walked straight out and to the right along the green can line and had 10 inches of good ice but I would immagine that with the increased flow it will deteriate from the bottom also. If you go please be careful as the open water over the point is growing bigger every day!

    Morel King
    Posts: 524

    Anyone know the ice conditions here ?

    critterhouse 75
    western wisconsin
    Posts: 41

    Anyone willing to share the conditions at Frontenac. Lots of snow I know but how bad of a pull by hand is it?

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    I’m guessing it’s mostly foot traffic or snowmobile from what it looks like from across the river

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    Did anyone venture out this weekend with all the snow. Saturday was probably an ok day. I am thinking of bringing the wheeler down there this weekend. Is pepin even fish-able with all that snow?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8963

    There’s 18″+ of hard packed drifted snow everywhere. With all that weight any crack or drilled holes are going to bring serious slush. I wouldn’t waste my time attempting getting out there without a snowmobile for the foreseeable future.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    There were two portables out there on Friday morning at 10. There were about five just outside of the Hok-Si-La ramp. The fishing just hasn’t been good enough to fiddle with it.

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    Is there anyone that breaks a road out there? or at Madien rock or anywhere else?

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    I haven’t heard but probably not

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Everything I saw was hand hauled. Lots of snow on the ice in these places too. After this weekend I don’t see much hope for a road being plowed.

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