Is it really that hard ??

  • damman
    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312

    I was fishing upriver from Old Frontenac this Mornining and was sickened by the site of 3 and 4 lb channel cats laying on the ice like they were garbage. Would it be that hard to toss them back in the hole to let live?? People like this should just stay home instead of thinking they are fisher people and making a bad mark for people who really care about our resources.In my mind they are pure scum !!!!!!!!

    Posts: 1009

    that right there is just sad.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    These types of post come up to often in my opinion. It is very sad indeed

    Being that I have been on the river for awhile, I remember the day when every garbage fish such as, gar, sheephead, carp and eel where never tossed back but used for fertilizer thinking they needed to be taken out of the river system. Plus this was the time in life when everyone took home what they caught regardless of size. It took awhile after getting on my own to realize this was just wrong.

    I guess what I’m saying is….thank God I grew out of that train of thought. Some just will never learn and some just don’t care.

    That just made a long story short from what I have seen on the river in years

    And not to make light of the post……it sucks the way our resources get used at times

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    That’s not good at all! Fish “snobs” who only want to catch the species that they want to keep–anything else that gets in “their way” gets tossed on the ice…VERY bad for all sportsman and the resources that we cherish.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Do you guys have ‘wanton waste’ laws in your area?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Do you guys have ‘wanton waste’ laws in your area?

    There are times we would never know it.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    I’ve seen it too…sad.

    Underscores the need to teach kids respect for nature.

    But similar to what Bret was saying…also makes me wonder sometimes if theres something I’m doing today that will be regarded as ridiculous by sportsman in the future.


    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Believe it or not… the Musky is a despised species for many locals in my area… Their thinking is that the Musky decimate the Walleye fry by predation.
    When they are caught during the early Walleye season on the rivers, several end up in the snowbanks up on the shore…

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736



    Do you guys have ‘wanton waste’ laws in your area?

    There are times we would never know it.

    ..Hey BK. Those cats are on ICE they should still be good…So pickup a few and try that catfish tail soup.. ..,,..rrr

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It is hard to fathom how people can be so ignorant of the resources. Not just the catfish, but the Muskie story as well.

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Them a-holes should dunked in the water and thrown on the ice to die.
    See how funny they think it is then .

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    So quick to condemn
    Why did you not pick them up and take them home?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Interesting observation.

    Let’s see…

    Channel cats on the Horseshoe chain eat walleyes
    Sturgeon on the Rainy River eat walleye eggs.
    Pike eat the stocked walleyes- I can’t recall where that one came from.
    Muskies eat the walleye fry.

    I’m just as bad. I don’t like snake and will kill them if I have a chance….and don’t have a reason.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    Hey BK. Have you ever 8 catfish.? Or do you just eat GAME fish walleye and sauger, sunfish, crapeyes. ..,,..rrr

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    No Randy, I release the cats and eat the walleye/saugers. People don’t like to see walleyes left laying on the ice either.

    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312


    So quick to condemn
    Why did you not pick them up and take them home?

    So you want to condem me now for not picking them up? First of all, I didnt catch them and leave them there, and secondly by the looks of them they had been there a few days as dried up as they were.

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