Feb 6th pool 4

  • redneckjr
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Pool 4 is still right where we left it. The dragging bite has slowed some but there are still plenty of decent fish to be caught. Dad and I didn’t get on the water until right about 4pm and it wasn’t long before the fish started showing up. It took some fine tuning but after some sorting we found that shad-cracker ringers were the hot ticket boating over half our fish for the night. A close second were black and gold ringworms. Beyond that the only thing we noticed was you’d catch one fish here and there on any of the natural colors. We stayed until 10pm and caught fish the whole time, it wasn’t fast and furious by any means but 1-2 fish per pass was common. We caught a few short fish as well as a few that went back in, one of which was a chunk of a 19″ sauger. These fish sure are healthy this year as even the small fish were chunky. Our bite consisted of a pretty healthy mix of eyes and sauger with some decent eyes starting to show up.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Thanks for the report Chris.

    Amongst the many things on my list this weekend is cleaning a couple of those fat and chunckies!

    Glad you got the old man out. Man was he getting testie! LOL!

    Posts: 2627

    Not much that I can add to the boys report other than the view from the back of the boat is great What a beautiful night on the river—not hardly any breeze and a big old full moon. Heck, even the skeeters weren’t bad!!! The boy schooled me pretty good and I am fine with that–I got my nap in and managed to catch a couple fish so I am happy. This is the best dragging bite I have seen for a couple years and it is sure nice to see it shaping up so well. All the fish are fat and very healthy looking and there are plenty of the 16 to 18 inch fish for the pan. We did notice that the sauger and walleye seemed to be in seperate pods for most of the night. Great night on the river and the company couldn’t have been any better.

    Oh yeah—-hey BK—-

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Were you guys seeing the walleye a bit shallower and the saugers a bit deeper?


    the company couldn’t have been any better.

    Chris was telling me he felt the same way while you were napping.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Yes and no with the walleye, there were a few in a little shallower where we were catchin the saugers, but we found that there was a completely separate pod of them on our same dragging run. we’d go through the sauger then hit a dead stretch and then we’d get a little further and hit a pod of eye’s in almost the same depth.

    Posts: 963

    What depth are you finding the Saugers at? I think I saw you the other day. With the camera I was seeing about 90% walleyes. And our catch seemed to show the same. We were running alittle bit shallower that you if it was you guys.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    saugers were showing up at about 15ft while the sun was up and about 10-12ft after it went down.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13448

    Good re[port Jr.

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    Thanks boys! I see that you have gone to the DARKSIDE with your ringworms…nice! Love the motor oil and gold fleck too! See you out there…

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