Pool 4 on 2/1

  • redneckjr
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    I spent the morning fishing with one of my buddies I was deployed with and after a short stop at 4 seasons to get licenses we hit the water about first light. By the time we got to the dam I think we had caught the very tail end of what seemed to be a morning dragging bite. With 1 fish per pass we thought that the day was shaping into a real nice bite. Then it died and so we went to vertical jigging. The bite was sparatic throughout the day with one fish here one fish there with no real color preference or bait preference. Everything came on plastics though, as I didn’t even bother to buy any minnows. The key to getting bites was to follow the fish as the day progressed. They were constantly sliding in and out from 20ft to 28ft.
    We made a run to the back channel ramp to pick up dad at about 1 and had the same results with him there as far as the vertical bite. Once it started to get towards dark we decided to head back to our dragging spot and see if we couldn’t get on this bite I’ve been hearing about. Boy, let me tell you these guys aren’t kidding about the bite. We picked up at least 1 fish per pass with as many as 4-5 once it really started to get dark. Nothing big but good solid 16-18″ walleye and sauger. We did get one sauger that was about 20″ and was a quick CPR fish since it was my buddy’s first time walleye fishing. For dragging our top producer by far was purple/chart tail as it was getting dark, and after dark it was firecracker. We left about 6 but the bite was still going strong when we left.
    It felt great to get on the water again and having a bite like that was just the icing on the cake.
    I just also want to give a quick shout to 4 seasons for helping me with my license trouble. They’re guys there really know the sporting world and it made for a great start to the day. Thanks guys!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13448

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    Sounds like a great time Chris!

    …and thanks for feeling sorry for your dad. He’s been getting crabby going fishless since you’ve been gone.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Glad to have you back JR.

    Posts: 2627

    My upgrade to Boy 2.0 worked flawlessly. It was a great day on the water and I have to give a big thank you to River Ramp Randy—the Back Channel Ramp was in perfect condition. The dragging bite is shaping up to be what it was a few years back and that is a very good thing. Thanks again Son for letting the old man tag along—the back of the boat sure felt great!!!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    Thanks for the report. We’re going to give it a go tonight.


    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Beaver E
    Posts: 137

    Nice report!!!!!!!!!! And man do I wish I was there right now. Did it matter what side of the river you were on???

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    We stuck to the MN side for most of the day. But we did catch a few on the WI side too. For vertical jigging most people were heading right down the center of the river and we would just stick to the outside of them on either side.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Welcome Home! Hope you liked your belated Christmas present!

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Hmm… I wonder how a person who hardly ever fishes could pick out the perfect reel for my new rod. With the help of Dean that’s how!

    cannon falls, mn
    Posts: 91

    nice hopeing to get down there this weekend and do some draging

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I just also want to give a quick shout to 4 seasons for helping me with my license trouble.

    Not sure what problem you ran into. But this guy here thinks you boys coming home from war should get a free ride for at least as many years as you served our country!

    Glad to hear you got into a decent bite!


    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041



    I just also want to give a quick shout to 4 seasons for helping me with my license trouble.

    Not sure what problem you ran into. But this guy here thinks you boys coming home from war should get a free ride for at least as many years as you served our country!

    Glad to hear you got into a decent bite!


    I have a lifetime license, but I couldn’t find my DNR card since I got home. I tried to get my license at holiday and they told me it was impossible and I had to buy a new annual license. So I stopped in at 4 seasons to see what a sporting goods store had to say about it and in 2 minutes of stopping in I had my 2012 license.

    Northeast MPLS
    Posts: 136

    Great report and welcome home! That dragging bite is a blast.
    Good to hear you had a good outing.

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