Unless Dan was told there was a complaint called in, it’s not right to assume…either way.
Our friends at the DNR (MN/WI/NE for sure) all check in here. As any CO will tell you most tickets come from a violator that’s bragging about what ever they did.
From past (many) experiences, it’s been found that attacking a person drives the person away from our site. They don’t stop what they are doing (whether legal or not) they just won’t visit Ido. When a person stops visiting fisherman’s watering holes like Ido, there is no chance of your or my ethics rubbing off on them.
And that’s really what we are talking about here, forcing your ethics on another person. It’s never worked in the past and it won’t work in the future.
Kudos to River Dan for having a tough skin and hanging in here.
As someone said, there hasn’t been too many reports coming from P-4 this year and he’s been a reliable source of the bite.
There’s always going to be some that fish more, catch more and take home more than others. Until our DNR’s see a trend in their gill netting, nothing will change.
Personally speaking, happy customers holding fish bring more clients than 18 fish on the floor of a boat. Since I’m not Dan’s Director of Operations or Marketing, it’s really up to him as to how he wants to portray his success.