Anyone know of a pool 12 guide?

  • jags
    Posts: 92

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a good pool 12 guide, I am interested in eyes, northern, bass, flat head. I am still green on the river and a little south of most of you guys, but love my time on the water, just wish it were more productive.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    I do guide down there but usually only in June and July, but I would suggest Jim Oberfel I think I have an e-mail?? I will add it to the post when I find it. Tell him Lawrence Ecklor sent you.

    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    Jimmy Oberfoell on pool 12 but I’m not sure how to get a hold of him anymore. He used to be under the guides section of this fantastic website a while ago on the entrance page, but I haven’t seen that for a while, maybe James or Dustin can help?

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    If you cannot find an address or number for Jimmy, try going to Dubuque’s local walleye club web site. They have a contact information page where you may be able to get some info on Jimmy, or at least another guide in that area.
    Good luck. From what I hear, Jimmy is a very good guide. I know he is still in business, so might want to try directory assistance also.

    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    You might be able to get a hold of Jimmy O by giving the Baitshack a call in Dubuque Iowa.

    Posts: 92

    thanks guys. It sounds like Jim O is my guy.

    Dubuque, IA
    Posts: 63

    Heres his home phone number if you still havent found it 563-552-1061. Another guide from dubuque is Dennis Jansen. I would recommend both of these guys.


    Joel Schultz
    Winthrop ,Iowa Wabasha, Mn.
    Posts: 45

    I can also guide you.Give me a call sometime 319-361-4869

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