Jan 25th wow

  • riverdan
    Posts: 295

    Had a great time out there again, fished a couple different areas, one particuar area the shad were so thick you hooked them constantly, another area graphed alot of good size fish, hooked up on a couple really heavy ones but came unbuttoned (thinking catfish) work the area but found just shorts, went to another area and started the evening drag and wasn’t disappointed, tossed quite a few nice ones back tonight along with some shorts, caught more walleyes tonight then I have in months really nice to see!

    Posts: 295

    As a matter of fact of course! Thanks for asking!!!

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    You must be on an all fish diet.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1037

    any particular hot bait?

    Posts: 308

    Must be nice fishing everyday nice catch

    Posts: 295


    THANK YOU.! Good fish. Guide trip.?……..rrr

    Yes putting some jingle in the pocket and as usual searched for new areas for the trip out on friday, got a real important one on saturday and another on sunday if it works out, don’t really like to guide on weekends because more boats are out and when I do, I try not to fish certain areas I use during the week!

    rochester MN
    Posts: 1099


    You must be on an all fish diet.

    X2 you must have a large family to consume all that fish……

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902



    You must be on an all fish diet.

    X2 you must have a large family to consume all that fish……

    He was guiding

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    Hey Dan! You are really getting into the fish this winter. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it. Take pics of happy clients holding their live catch on the water, especially live big fish. Seeing post after post of 6, 12 and 18 dead fish has people on here wanting to look in your freezer. Take care sir!


    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    keep the reports coming Dan. i appreciate them. very jealous i don’t get that kind of time to fish. I am sure your clients love to bring home a limit and I have no problem with who the hell catches them as long as they’re within possession limits. Don’t hate the player folks, hate the game.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    I am suggesting he switches his emphasis to pics of people smiling and holding live fish from pics of dead fish stacked up like cordwood. Those are better pics and better PR.


    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213


    Don’t hate the player folks, hate the game.


    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    yep. grew up in the 90’s. you too good for that analogy,E-DOGG?

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    sorry, let me be more precise. i don’t care who catches them IN THE BOAT and then takes them home. I don’t like the idea of taking a limit each day to give to grama in edina, uncle in woodbury, etc… and then saying i have none in my freezer. (legal but i personally don’t like it). Its kinda like taking 120,000 pounds of walleyes for elders….EH,HEM.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 42

    He is a guide…that means people pay him to take them fishing and keep fish. Not the only guide using this website. Everybody take a deep breath.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18776


    He is a guide…that means people pay him to take them fishing and keep fish. Not the only guide using this website. Everybody take a deep breath.

    This isnt about the guiding profession.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    Let’s just do some math. If I go out 50 times in 5 months (November through March) and I keep 6 fish per trip that I take home. That is 300 fish that I remove from the system. That is perfectly legal as long as I don’t already posess a limit in my freezer or fridge when I am catching another limit to keep. BUT is it ethical?


    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I feel to eliminate hate and discontent, we should ban any and all future fishing reports from this web site.
    Don’t mention where you got em, how many of em you got, how you got em, or what you get em on. Don’t even mention that you went fishing because that could start something.

    I went for a walk on the ice yesterday.
    The end.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 42

    I understand that people can be upset about the fish that are taken from our popular bodies of water. But please keep in mind how many guides/outfitters from every premier lake and river in Minnesota are doing the same thing. 1 fisherman is barely a drop in the bucket. When you think that each resort on Red or LOTW is keeping hundreds of fish everyday, or that the guys on Mille Lacs or the Perch Patrol on Devils are keeping fish on a very regular basis, this really seems to be small potatoes in my book. It’s 1 guy who posts about it on an internet chat board. I can’t imagine how upset you would be if every guide or hardcore river rat told you about the legal limits of fish they keep each year.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 42

    I don’t want to forget about Leech, Vermillion, Winnie….ect.

    Posts: 308

    I don’t want to sound like a hater but I have not seen one client pic am I just missing something

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18776

    Perhaps a new catch and release campaign needs to be started? Those that practice it regulary for the good of the environment arent doing it so a few individuals can take advantage. I’ve been out with several guides from this website. I dont recall a single fish being kept. This is a people issue. Not a profession issue. Some people act like guides have a license to kill.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    suzuki, DID you ask the guides to take home fish? If the purpose of your trip is to learn how to put quality fish in the boat then a guide will do his best to show you that. If you ask for a day of fishing and decide to keep a few, I think that is well within reason. Now if the guide were to push the limit on you then I would seriously question that judgement.

    I have been with guides on this site and everyone I have met has been great to accomidate what I wanted to learn on the water. i do beleive I have brought a couple home too, myabe not a limit (as that was not my goal), but a meal for a client everyday is NOT unethical in my eyes.

    don’t chase Dan away, i don’t think he posts to boast how good of a poacher he is. (I have never met Dan and I don’t know him from Adam).

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18776

    I dont want to chase people away either. Hot topics are difficult to discuss online. All we can do is try to keep it civil.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    i agree Suzuki that keeping it civil is always best.

    I just feel that people want to make simple fishing reports a “hot topic” when all the poster is doing is helping others out.

    Posts: 295

    Well guys its like this, I love to fish and take people out that have the same passion for it as me, most of which could care less about being in a photo. Posting on this or any fishing site is a double edge sword, I’ve been told countless times that I’m full of it and wheres your proof of the fish you say you’ve been catching, then you post proof and wow you get criticized. I have tossed back more walleyes and saugers that were over 17″ then I’ve kept in the last year by a long shot, if I was out to rape the resources of the river won’t I keep the bigger ones! See you on the water!

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    I got carried away and I would like to apologize to RiverDan and others I offended. Something that people might want to consider is that the Safe Fish Consumption Guidelines for pool 4 walleye and sauger is one meal a week.


    Posts: 3343

    Wow i’m shocked at all of the people piling on with their negative opinons. I guess I am going to stir the pot a bit here. If a guy says he does well and doesn’t post pictures, he gets crap because many don’t believe he has done well. Post pictures of clients catches, and people that most likely have no clue how to fish, use ugly words like poacher. Poacher is way out of line in my opinon, and I don’t have any respect for someone that throws it out there because may they may not agree with someone keeping a legal limit. Get off your high horses. If it was a case of actual poaching then that is a completly different story. Rant done.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3138

    Well, you’re living in a van down by the river. What have you been seeing?


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