Pool 4 Fishing Report Jan 10 2012

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I had planned on hitting pool 4 on Monday Jan 9th on my day off but other things came up at the last minuet and I was not able to go. Tuesday I had to go back to work and later in the morning go to a doctors appointment, but with the weather forecast calling for an even nicer day than Monday I just had to take the day off to head out to pool 4 after my doctors appointment. My appointment was at 9:40AM, got the boat all hooked up and ready to go before my appointment so I could head out as soon as I got home. Got done with the appointment around 10:30 and was home by 10:45. My fishing partner Jerry did not show up untill almost noon!!!
    Late start but we were finally on the road, got on the highway and did not make it 5 miles when my truck dies!!!
    Get pulled over off the road and called my wife to come and pick up Jerry and take him back to my house so he can bring his truck out and we can be on our way. In the mean time I called a tow truck to come and pick up my truck then I called my mechanic to tell him my truck is on the way to his shop, I described to him what the truck was doing and he said it sounds like my fuel pump went out!!!
    Jerry shows back up with his truck but of course there is another problem my light harness on my trailer will not reach the plug on his truck and the hooks on my safety chains would not fit over the bars on his hitch!!! (I use a Caribbean style hook on my safety chains.) So we limp are way along off the highway to the next exit and stop at Walmart to see if we can find an extension harness for the lights, they did have one and the dammed thing actually worked!
    Now the lights are working but we still have the problem of no safety chains, I knew I could find something in my garage to fix that problem but the problem was that by the time we would get back to my house and then get back on the road again it would be getting so late that by the time we would get to Redwing we would only have about an hour to fish before it got dark!!! Clearly the man upstairs was sending me a message telling me that I was not suppose to go fishing on the warmest record breaking day of January!!!
    We headed back to my house got the boat put away and Jerry headed home, I decided I better head over to my mechanics place and check in with him. When I got to the shop he told me that he would not have time to get to the truck until tomorrow (Wed) but he did notice when he walked around behind the truck something coming out of one of the tail pipes, chunks of the catalytic converter!!! So now not only was I now looking at possibly replacing my fuel pump but the catalytic converter as well!!! $$$$$$$ Well there is some good news in this story, I got the call from my mechanic tonight and he told me I lucked out big time, turns out it was a bad coil and my bill came to a whopping $40!!!
    As for the catalytic converter he told me that my truck is old enough (1995) that he would not worry about replacing the converter, if it was a newer vehicle he would not recommend that but seeing as it is a 1995 the truck will run just fine without replacing the converter.

    So there you have it, my first pool 4 fishing report for the new year, maybe for my next report I can actually get my boat wet!!!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Sorry to hear of your day, but things usually happen for a reason.
    Count your blessings, and you’ll be back onto the water soon, maybe a few more weeks.
    Getting cold right now.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    “Clearly the man upstairs was sending me a message telling me that I was not suppose to go fishing on the warmest record breaking day of January!!!”

    I believe what he was saying was you were supposed to be down for the night draggin bite

    Drew Engelmeyer
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 359


    I believe what he was saying was you were supposed to be down for the night draggin bite


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    That really stinks Steve. Glad it turned out to be nothing major with the truck. On the bright side, you could have been have way to the river and on the side of the road

    This just means the next trip will be much better.

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