Yesterday was a nice day to get out and enjoy some mid December fishing out of the boat. Mike V. and his co worker Dave hopped in my boat for the day. The sauger bite is almost, as Dean used to put it “suicidal” meaning to me those hungry fish will eat anything you put down to them.
We started the day off looking for big fish pitching blades, ringworms, paddle tails and a variety of other baits to rocky shore lines with only one 18″ walleye (pic 1) falling victim to my 1/4 oz. black blade bait in 14-18 FOW. We also picked up a gar, a small sauger and 1 decent smallmouth pitching.
After a few hours of pitching Dave mentioned wanting some eaters and Mike V. “just wanted to catch a fish” so it was vertical jigging time.
We worked 15-25 FOW with 18-20 FOW being our best producing depth for keeper fish. Mike V. was fishing a small paddle tail on 1 side of the boat and a Patriot hair jig and minnow on the other. Mike doubled up at times but said the small oyster shell colored paddle tail was the best producer. Dave was fishing a plain ‘ol ball jig and a minnow and caught just as many fish as he missed. Dave took home big sauger honors with this 18.5-19″ (pic 2) sauger caught on the plain ‘ol jig and minnow set up. As for me, I just jigged a sour apple hair jig and a minnow, caught just as many fish and navigated the boat.
Dave ended up bringing home 8 fish (pic 3) between 14 and 19 inches. I’d say on the day we caught 75-100 fish and only fished for 5 hours. If you have a kid, friend or relative that you been wanting to get on a good bite, now’s the time. Of course we had to sort through our share of small fish to get the keepers but it was a BLAST.
Thanks goes out Mike V. and Dave for all the laughs in the boat yesterday , I also would like to thank River Ramp Randy for keeping the back channel ramp in good usable condition and Dean Marshall, I better get that man some cookies