Good Morning Kevin!
I was talking with a fella angler that’s been fishing P4 for about 15 years. He feels the angling pressure is taking a toll on the quality of the saugers.
Does your office have any information that speaks to this?
Hi Brian,
Sauger – generally speaking, I would agree this was not a banner year for sauger fishing. I’ve heard that from a number of experienced river anglers. Obviously, it was also a very unusual flow year with very high water all the way through July. As you well know, things can really change from year to year, and season to season, as water levels change.
We are just starting to analyze data from our 2011 sampling, but I can tell you that gill net catch of sauger was down substantially this year. Our median catch rate from annual sampling (1965 – present) is about 26 sauger per net. It was 19.9 per net in 2011, so we were about 6 below the long-term average. It was a big drop from the 41/net we had in 2010. During the 1965 – present the catch has ranged from 10 to over 60 per net. In the last 15 years, catch rates have been generally above the long-term average, but it is not uncommon to see the catch rate fluctuate ± 8 per net from year to year. So I really don’t think there is anything that raises any serious concerns at this point, but obviously something we want to watch closely. In fact about 1/3 (11 of 33) of the annual data points since 1979 have been equal to or lower than the 2011 catch.
I can’t say with any certainty whether or not angler harvest had any influenced on the low catch rate this year. We have not done any creel survey work since 2005-07, so we don’t have any fresh numbers to work with. Harvest rates have been fairly consistent since were started regular creel cycles in the early 1990’s. Our normal cycle is 2 out of 6 years and we just started the 2011-2013 creel. Sauger numbers and size are probably more influenced by reproduction/recruitment of year classes and we have seen consistently good year classes over the last 10+ years. We still need to crunch our 2011 data to look at age structure and other parameters, so maybe we will have some better insight as we get the data fully analyzed.
Thanks for checking with me and I would be glad to provide additional information on sauger as we get a little further in the analysis.
Kevin Stauffer Minnesota DNR
Lake City Office