Well, a buddy and I ventured out Sunday and Monday. We were humbled. But we can verify that shad are up toward the dam! Heh, heh.
November 22, 2011 at 4:08 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Walleye » Shad report on Pool 4
Well, a buddy and I ventured out Sunday and Monday. We were humbled. But we can verify that shad are up toward the dam! Heh, heh.
If I could legally transport them home…I would go $10 for the right size.
Sorry, BK. The gulls got that one. Though I was so desperate for a fish at that point I almost put it in the box. heh.
i presume that the cats eat them.
What percentage of the stomach contents are shad??
Everything eats them!
Sorry Boone, I should have said because the Miss is “infested waters” they can’t be brought back dead or alive to be used for bait. In fact, (this one I would have to double check on) but I don’t believe we can use them for bait in the same water they were caught in (Mississippi and St Croix).
Yes, transporting them home isn’t a problem, but were the problem starts. Unless you have a garden.
to be clear, they can not be transported into MINNESOTA or used for bait on the MINNESOTA side of the river…
I put shad like that on 50# soakers, but not in MINNESOTA waters, of course…
Oh, and i hook them thru the back w/ #2 octopus and slip sinkers…
You’re right! Shocking but true.
On Pg. 70 of the 2011 regulations it states “Taking of wild animals for bait from designated infested waters (see pages 16-17) is unlawful, except for minnows and leeches taken for personal use from waters infested SOLEY with Eurasian watermilfoil…..”
The Mississippi and St. Croix are infested with more that just Eurasian watermilfoil so it would be unlawful to use shad from those waters. Now I suppose one could argue that shad are not a WILD animals but are a rather quite docile and therefore it would be legal to use them.
Do shad exist in any waters anywhere in Minnesota that aren’t designated as being infested?
Not that I’m aware of, but I haven’t been on every water of the state. Since they are pretty much confined to rivers….although, I ‘spose they could travel up a tributary to a lake that’s not listed as infested. If you find one, don’t tell anyone because the DNR will list it as infested as fast as you can say “Eureka!”. Tongue in cheek.
I know WI changed it’s laws to not allow cast nets…like MN, but I’m a little surprise that they would allow shad to be caught and used on their side too. I don’t have time to look it up right now though. (border waters)
On page 17 of the WI regulations it states that bait-minnow harvest is closed to all persons on all VHS known and suspected waters. Minnow harvest gear is prohibited on these waters. The Mississippi is included as a VHS water so that means no bait harvesting from the Mississippi.
Thanks Boone.
Personal Opinion: It’s nuts not to be allowed to use BAIT that’s been caught on the same water as you’re going to fish it. /End Personal Opinion
Shocker I’m glad you posted a photo of a shad. I almost forgot what they looked like.
On another note, I talked with a licensed TX bait dealer. Figured I could have them sent in from another state.
Wrong. The MN DNR put the K Bosh on that idea.
It’s nuts not to be allowed to use BAIT that’s been caught on the same water as you’re going to fish it.
I agree. I’m sure it just comes down to what the DNR can enforce so rather than making exceptions that would be hard to police, they just make a blanket rule to cover every situation.
I don’t think the MN DNR allows any minnows to be imported into the state. I’ve been told that’s why you can’t find those nice, big, golden shiners any more. I think they use to come from Arkansas. I believe I read last summer where the DNR tried to stop a wholesale bait dealer from even transporting minnows through the state (I mean like driving across I-90)but when they did that they ran afoul of interstate commerce laws or something like that.
Basically, the DNR doesn’t want any water or fish transferred from one body of water to another for fear of spreading aquatic invasive species (AIS).
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