Pool 4 11-17-2011

  • louis-robinson
    dodge co. mn
    Posts: 469

    After a chilly start to the morning, the bite was pretty good.

    Man that boat ride was brutal… Anyway blades ruled the day.

    Picked up a 2 man limit my partner and I with lots of fish comming off.

    Fish of the day was this cute little sturgeon.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    Any color pattern to the blades??

    Were you up by the dam or were the fish from all over??

    Thanks for the post.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Nice fish….Another reason Snosuit comes in handy, cool boat rides in the fall/winter/spring.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Nice fish. Looks like they’ve got the feed bag on.

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Very nice ! Was thinking bout going out tomorrow, but Tuck got a doe and now has buck fever. Looks like the dam bite might be improving? Might have to make one last go before ice time.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Nice looking fish fry

    Shovelnose Sturgeon…..fire up the smoker, yum, yum

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