Record Walleye???

  • cabela10
    Posts: 38

    I would like to report that the record walleye is most likely swimming in Pool 2 downstream of the old, now removed, swing bridge and upstream from gray cloud. This past Saturday, October 29th, I was out fishing for bass with a Strike King KVD 2.5 crankbait orange belly. I unfortunately did not have my net out to easily land the walleye. When I reached to grabbed his gills, I didn’t get my hands in her properly, I let go to move my fingers and the weight of the ‘eye snapped my line about a foot above the lure. I know, most will not believe this fish due to no pictures, but I can only tell the story right now. Not happy about it and think about losing this fish since it happened. She was very pale and hit the crankbait hard, fought hard for 5 seconds, got her to the surface and slowly pulled her over with her head out of the water.

    Went out on Sunday, in hopes of hooking her again, which I knew wouldn’t happen but I had to get her.

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    There’s some bigguns in that area! I caught 5 over 30 inches in that area this summer with one that went 34″.
    All of them were caught off 7-10 inch live bullheads fishen for flatheads so needless to say i was disappointed everytime I caught em

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Do yuk have a pic of your 34″ eye. You can’t just throw out 34″ with out proof!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    Do yuk have a pic of your 34″ eye. You can’t just throw out 34″ with out proof!

    You can if you are a cat guy, because I am sure he could care less if anyone believes him.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    Do yuk have a pic of your 34″ eye. You can’t just throw out 34″ with out proof!

    You can if you are a cat guy, because I am sure he could care less if anyone believes him.

    I’d buy that… if he wasn’t cruising the Walleye Forum.

    Regardless, I’d like to see a pic. That would be the largest (length, anyway) walleye I’ve ever heard of from the Mississippi.

    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936




    Do yuk have a pic of your 34″ eye. You can’t just throw out 34″ with out proof!

    You can if you are a cat guy, because I am sure he could care less if anyone believes him.

    I’d buy that… if he wasn’t cruising the Walleye Forum.

    Regardless, I’d like to see a pic. That would be the largest (length, anyway) walleye I’ve ever heard of from the Mississippi.

    I’ll second that, pictures talk, B.S. walks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X’s- 2

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    All of the good P2 sticks I know have a similar story, myself included. That’s what keeps us coming back!


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    So close. Sounds like a very nice fish.

    Posts: 406

    Sounds like a nice fish.

    My question would be if you are not going to bother to net that fish why even bother bringing a net.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12610


    Sounds like a nice fish.

    My question would be if you are not going to bother to net that fish why even bother bringing a net.

    I have a net in my boat at all times – when Bass fishing for fun it is not out – It is stored away – Not real easy to get it out and opened up quickly.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 491

    Early to bed. Early to rise. Fish all day. Make up lies.

    I would keep after it. Make sure you bring the net and camera.

    Good Luck

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5731


    All of the good P2 sticks I know have a similar story, myself included. That’s what keeps us coming back!

    Not all of us. My “Big Walleye” encounters always turn out to be Carp.

    inver grove heights, minnesota
    Posts: 857

    34 would be a beast! Nice fish! I’d be shaking trying to land a 30 let alone a 34. Wouldve loved to see a pic of both beasts. Good luck and don’t forget the camera next time. I learned my lesson, I don’t leave without it cause no one will believe a story with no pics.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586


    All of the good P2 sticks I know have a similar story, myself included. That’s what keeps us coming back!


    My boat has seen several 30″ fish, but I’ve never seen anything close to a record or anything close to 34″. Largest confirmed measurement I know of was 31.5″, with pictures. Either way, there aren’t many things I hate more than losing a big fish!! I’m sorry for your loss.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Largest confirmed measurement I know of was 31.5″, with pictures.

    That maybe true John, but you don’t fish P-2 enough.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    Brian – I’ll always agree with that statement!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    James netted a monster some years ago about 50 yds from me Guiding the new Cabelas mgr….what did that one scale James?
    This one was 31″ but we never weighed her…(for comparison)

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James netted a monster some years ago about 50 yds from me Guiding the new Cabelas mgr….what did that one scale James?

    This one was 31″ but we never weighed her…(for comparison)

    Touch over 14 lbs. @ 32″.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    I do believe it was around 14 pounds. I still have one of the IDA banners that were put up on local bait shops with the picture of it.

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Call bs all you want it’s true! I have no pic because I had it on a iPhone that went missing. But it’s all good I don’t need no stinken walleye pics, 50lb catfish pics are all that matter

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Oh and I did get the wieght on my digi he went 14lbs10 ounces.
    But it’s all a story with no pic so it doesn’t matter ha. He’s my pb walleye that’s all that matters to me

    Posts: 406


    Oh and I did get the wieght on my digi he went 14lbs10 ounces.
    But it’s all a story with no pic so it doesn’t matter ha. He’s my pb walleye that’s all that matters to me

    Sounds like a nice fish congrats.

    Seems like Walleye guys don’t like to hear about big walleye’s caught on 80LB line with bullheads.

    The same way Catfish guys probably do not like to hear about big catfish caught on 1/4 ounce jigs and gulp minnows with 6lb mono.

    That would be a interesting thread PB Flat head caught walleye fishing on the Catfish forum. PB Walleye caught while catfishing on the walleye forum?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Not sure of why you guys stick it out fishing bullheads for cats. Every river walleye guy know trolling cranks is tops for big flatheads.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Not sure of why you guys stick it out fishing bullheads for cats. Every river walleye guy know trolling cranks is tops for big flatheads.

    Casting bombers on wing dam tips in August has accounted for a number of BIG flats for me.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372


    Not sure of why you guys stick it out fishing bullheads for cats. Every river walleye guy know trolling cranks is tops for big flatheads.

    Posted these pics last year..but I thought this post needed some more fire stoking….

    Why even fish for cats at all? Clearly the eyes are the top “dogs” in the river. This 26″ eye was caught on a crank and still had kittens in her mouth.

    Posts: 38


    Sounds like a nice fish.

    My question would be if you are not going to bother to net that fish why even bother bringing a net.

    Net was tucked away in a compartment. Have the Frabill net that slides up the tube. Looking back I should have attempted to grab the net, but I have caught Walleye in the past fishing Mille Lacs. It’s just when I put my fingers in her gills, it was like needles pricking my fingers, so I let go, hoping to regrip, well, I didn’t get that chance as she slowly swam away. She was every bit 17.8lbs that I believe the current record is, she was a biggin’.

    I fished this area/spot for probably a total of 3 hours with only catching this one pig and funny thing was, it was my first cast to this spot. Not a single bass, carp, catfish, nothing. Unfortunately, catching this fish and not landing it will make me go back to this area/spot every single time I go out there, even though it’s really not a bass fishing spot.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Every river walleye guy know trolling cranks is tops for big flatheads.

    Every river cat guy knows that too many bait fish are caught that way.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Bait fish you say? Dont think I have ever seen or heard of anyone that has seen a catfish eat a walleye. If so I would think we would encounter a few more walleyes getting hammered by cats while bringing them into the boat. Now on the other hand I think in just a few post up from this there is evidence that walleyes do like cats. I mean bait fish.

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