So at this time, they aren’t going and changing things all the way up to the dam? I was thinking they were going to do something all the way up to the area that was protected for spawning in the spring.
Thanks again for posting them.
The Wi shore will be “raised” from the dam down to the Y. Hoffman Construction stated last year they wouldn’t be working in the spring for the fish although with the high water we’ve had I’m thinking they couldn’t find the bank to construct!
Ya know, this whole project wouldn’t bother me so much if someone could just explain to me why the lower bank needs to be raised.
If they did the correct work on the Upper Embankment Project (raising the shore line to ensure flood waters don’t go around the dam) why would they need to raise the Lower Bank?
Some things just need to be laid out for me in 6th grade language.
Most anyone can understand the lengthening of the lock wall, the dredging of the channel above the dam and the Upper Embankment Project.
Just that this portion seems like such a waste of money, habitat for fish, old trees, eagles, clams ect.