Red Wing Report

  • OldCoot
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 50

    Myself and a couple friends fished the river Friday through Sunday morning. Spent a great deal of time Looking for a downstream bite, but never found it. I hit spots we have caught fish in past years with little success. We ended up towrads the Dam Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. The bite was decent for sauger with a few eyes mixed in. We ended up with enough fish for a good fry Saturday night and a limit to take home after fishing Sunday morning. We caught fish from 10 to 16 feet using mainly a jig and a minnow or a pink superdoo. The jig/minnow produced more fish, but the superdoo produced some very large sauger (which were released). I should also mention that hair produced well on Sunday morning for us. Just a 1/4 ounce green/chartreuse with no minnow. Did anyone find a downstream bite? What were some of the patterns which worked for others this weekend? I will be up again next weekend, keep the reports coming.

    Thanks again to those who replied to my original post last week.

    Old Coot

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    From what I hear the only place to get fish is up by the dam. We did pretty well on 3/28. Didn’t try anywhere else.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 62

    A buddy and I fished most of the day on Saturday and had similar results. Tried various areas around the dam, Y, and downstream; the dam was the best. 10 to 20 feet with jig & minnow worked good. Chartreuse, orange, and gold were the best colors for our boat.

    owatonna, mn.
    Posts: 31

    i was out early on sat and called the day at noon…moved alot but ended up on the wisc. side in 20-13′ from the brush pile near the dam down to the dry culvert…..the bite was not what i would call jump in your boat great but we landed some nice fish…..lots of pressure lots of nimrods running too fast! i know remember why i fish the week days…..
    tight lines

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Heard it was nuts on Saturday. Sunday was busy but very manageable.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 50


    That is basically the drift we ended up fishing much of the time. I didn’t get there until Saturday afternoon.
    I too noticed several groups who would complete a drift then think you have to run like heck to the head of the drift creating enormous wakes and making it very difficult to fish. I also noticed a couple small boats fishing the area. Some of the wakes from people running half in and half out of the water were huge when your in a small boat. Everyone needs to slow down a little. Go like heck in the clear, not when your in close proximity of other boats.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    We did take a few fish downstream but the best action was upstream. The water seemed to be a little too dirty in my downriver holes.

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