
  • Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Just a friendly reminder to those who plan on fishing the Saugerama that the sign up is this coming Monday at 6pm if you would like to get an low boat number. This POST will be unlocked at 6pm to start signing up. For those that pre register and fish the tourny your name will be in a drawing for a custom made rod!!

    Also dont forget to guess the weight HERE for another chance at a rod of your choice curtisy of Deans Tackle Box and Skeeter Boat Center

    I also would like to send out an early thank you to all those that have helped out so far.
    4 Seasons Sport Shop has donated 2 $20 gift certificates that will be given away after the tourny in a drawing. Dean’s Tackle Box will also be giving away 2 $10 gift certificates to 2 lucky winners.
    The Bluffs Bar and Grill will be hosting the post tourny awards and will also have a small lunch for the fisherman.
    Island Campground and Marina will be the site for the take off and weigh-in, with a boat launch available.
    There is some other prizes in the works that will be part of the raffle so everybody has a chance to win something!!!

    I am once again looking forward to this weekend and hope to see a lot of you out there! Also would like to send out another thank you to all those that have help in the past and present!!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Wish I could make it Eric but Saturdays is a regular work day for me.

    Maybe one of these years I can get back to a Mon to Fri work week.

    Good luck to everyone who fishes this one!

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