Man I saw the numbers and knew the river was lower than we’ve been used to the last 2-3 years but I was shocked at how it looked. More importantly how all the spots I like to park my rig looked.
We marked a lot of fish today but all we could manage were a few small saugers here and there.
I talked with some guys at the landing and heard very similar stories. How did everyone else do this weekend?
Thankfully the guy I took along NEVER gets to fish the river and was happy just catching the small sauger we did catch. That and getting the opportunity to learn/experience the river was an exciting first for him. So I was the only disappointed one.
The sheriff also felt the need to stop me and inform me that my “wake” was to big in the no wake zone. Thankfully while he was discussing that with me a Tuna Boat decided to go through the same zone on plane. We watched him get that boat and one other in about 20 minutes.