300′ line goes into affect

  • fireflick
    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    Just a reminder to all those that fish the Dams. I believe the 300′ foot line goes into affect on March 1and end April 31. That means no one should be fishing above that line. IN Alma the sign are located next to the flag pole on the locking side of the Dam and the other one is located just above the float on the Minnesota side. The Warden in Alma watches that very carefully with video cameras so be careful. I am not sure what the Red wing Dam has for foot marker maybe someone could let us know.


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    What is the reason for the 300′ rule?

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    It is suppose to be a place for the fish to spawn and get away from the fisherman. A Refuge. It use to be that there was no fishing at all during march and April. Then they went to this instead.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Red Wing has the same….You must be 300 ft away from the dam during March and April. The reason is that this is considered a “fish refuge” during these pre-spawning and spawning times. There are signs on both sides of the river for this as well…..At least I think they are up now. From past stories I have heard, it’s better to not “test” the 300 ft line, as it is watched close by the wardens and fellow fishermen.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Yeah,don’t test the rule unless you have money to spare.If so,it would be easier to send it to me!I think you can still go above the line,as long as there are no lures in the water.In my experience,that invisable line is usually not worth crowding anyways.The fish are all over if your willing to look.

    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    Thanks for the post. I’m glad to know your State law there!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Hey leadsled,

    We’ve got the same rule down here on our end of the river. It’s not state law, it’s by the corps. Year round. I’ve been down to the l&d 18 and saw guys get hollered at from the lockmaster. When one boat refused to move, he called the sherriff. Down this way, it’s up to the lockmaster as to whether it gets enforced. Like Riverratt said, it’s not the only place in the river to fish.

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875

    The 300′ is put on by the DNR. Otherwise there is still a 150′ line that the corps uses here in Alma that is in effect all year long.


    Posts: 6259

    It should be noted that you can fish inside the 150′ mark May through February you just cant move or anchor your boat into this zone, it is ok to cast into it, or walk the shoreline to fish the wash along the side of the dam. I have caught some of my largest fish this way in fall in Trempeleau, the fish chase and corner schools of minnows up against the wall and if you hit it right the fishing can be mo better dan good

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    YOUR BOAT CANNOT CROSS THE 150 FOOT MARKER FROM THE DAMN!!!!!!!!!! you can cast into it, you can throw your anchor damn near up to the damn if you want, prolly have to cut thr rope though cause your boat cannot cross that 150 foot marker. it is for your own safety. just like the 300 foot line boat cannot cross it you can cast up there, just can’t cross it.

    Posts: 6259

    well I have been in Trempeleau and had a game warden check me out while I was fishing inside the 150′ line from shore and I didn’t get a ticket in the fall, guess he was one of them nice wardens that just give warnings, oh yea he didint give a warning either, you can fish inside the 150′ just not in March or April unless it specifcally says.

    Alma WI
    Posts: 875


    The warden can’t give you a ticket for the 150′ line. The only one that can inforce that on you is the coast guard or the corps of engineers. We checked into it last year that is the only reason I know about that. However the game warden will inforce the 300′ line.

    Nelson Wi
    Posts: 300

    FIREFLICK has a good idea on that since his brother does work at the damn and he knows quite a bit about it and i would trust what he has to say over most people.

    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    You are right Herb. Look at the time of my earlier comment. I must of been 1/2 asleep. You were up pretty early yourself.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Right you are. Just had to check in before I go to work. Amazing how quiet this site is that early in the day.

    Alma Wis
    Posts: 10

    Hey, it’s been good to hear everyone discuse a topic that is always questioned. Since I work at the L/D in Alma I have answered these questions before.


    The 150 ft mark below the dam was but into effect for safety as well as the 300 ft mark above the dam. At “no one” given time should anyone have a boat beyond these points. Why? If you are fishing in a boat below the dam, especially during the summer with low flow, there are eddie currents that will suck or draw your boat towards the dam gates instead of away “like you would think” eventually causing your boat to capsize.

    If there is “no sign” distingushing the 300ft and 150ft mark at a Lock and Dam, you will see a round flashing red light approx. 4 inches in dia. on lock wall telling you where these marks are. All sites will have these lights but “Not all” sites may have the signs because of them being damaged in the flood or by old age. I’m not sure if it is manditory for every site to have a sign stateing these marks but is manditory to have the flashing red lights. I guess everyone is suppose to know what those lights mean. I didn’t before I started working for the Corp’s.


    The Corp’s of Engineers “does not” enforce any state or federal laws or has any power to do so. “But can” deny any one individual lockage through dam for not following lockage procedures. A corp employee “does have” the authority to apprehed a law breaking citizen, call the game warden, and then watch him write you out a ticket.

    I’ll tell you a little secret…………..

    During the early spring and fall when theirs alot of anglers fishing below the dam, the game warden sits in a concelled area with his high powered telescopic lense on camera: if he’s sees you above the 150 line or sees you snag an illegal fish, he takes alot of digital pictures of the incidence as proof, and then mails you a ticket in the mail. His camera can take an upclose picture of your boat number or a snagged fish up to approx. a mile away. This has proven to be very successful!

    “Don’t confuse the 300ft mark above the dam with the 300ft mark below the dam between March and April”. The 300ft mark below the dam between March and April,” which resticts you from fishing within 300ft from dam”, is marked with a old faded yellow sign on lock wall. On the adjacent side of the river there is also the same sign. As of last spring that sign is no longer their because of the flood. I think?

    The sign read “No fishing within 300ft from dam during March and April”. Now this can be interpreted two different ways and I’m not sure which way it goes. One way, you archor your boat on 300ft mark and cast beyond towards dam and the second way you anchor your boat before 300ft mark and “don’t cast” beyond the 300ft mark. My interpretation of it is……….. you are “not suppose to cast beyond” the 300ft mark and the wardens just let the people slide that do because the sign can be interpreteded different ways.

    Thanks to “fireflick” for bringing all of this to mind.

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