If you’re the least bit hesitant to reporet here, Then don’t bother coming on this site. This is not what the site is all about !!!!!!
a hole comments like this is why I’m hesatent to report fool, dig up my first report and you will find a bunch of nasty things that tools like your self posted following it… pretty lame, and also if you dig a little more you’ll find a plethera of reports I’ve posted in forums that have been dead for a while! I can find plenty of fish where ever I look I’m not a spot horder either as you can tell by my pile of pms!!! I live to help others, people that know can atest to this. This morning I gave up my last 4 suckers to a young lad who was catching nothing with in 3 minutes he had his biggest fish ever, when I left he was ear to ear. Grinning and wave while horseing in another as I pulled a way. Maybe if you don’t have any positive feedback or he11 even a report maybe you shouldn’t login