You know the river isn’t right when…

  • KwikStik
    Trempealeau, WI
    Posts: 381

    …you look through the mixed fishing reports and you don’t see a Mississippi River walleye report until the third page.

    I got out on pool 6 the other day after a week and a half away on vacation, and it was sort of a mess. High and dirty, yet it felt like the dog days were coming on. Caught one eye on a crankbait and a few smaller bass, but it was tough.

    Posts: 963

    Im hesatent to report on here… That being said the river up north here has been insane good fishing as of late, a few eye here and there but the bass are going nuts! Live bait is going 10 to 1 on artificals. Thing I love and hate about rivers is someone is always catching fish somewhere! Tuesday I had 33 smallies and 2 eyes in just under 2 hours, its my feeling that when the water temps spike as much as they have in the last 3 days that the fish (shallow water mainly) seek out extreme high flow areas where the oxygen levels are the highest and the feeding oppertunity is always there! This is just a thought I could be wrong as Im no expert! As far as the southern stretchs of the river… Man theres still alot of effin water down there! We are 3ft above average here and the rivers typicaly is 3 ft!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    Im hesatent to report on here…

    Why is that?

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Hmmmmmmm. Take a look at River posts in the Group forum and then send me pm

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I’ll trade you my 7ft above normal with 150,000cfs flow any time you like.
    And I’ll bet the folks along the Missouri would too!

    Trempealeau, WI
    Posts: 381

    It’s nuts all over. Wyoming rivers and streams were all high and either at or near flood stage. That was strange. To the folks who have it worse, I’ll not complain anymore.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967



    Im hesatent to report on here…

    Why is that?


    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722




    Im hesatent to report on here… [/quot



    Cudahy, Wis.
    Posts: 936

    If you’re the least bit hesitant to reporet here, Then don’t bother coming on this site. This is not what the site is all about !!!!!!

    Posts: 4033


    If you’re the least bit hesitant to reporet here, Then don’t bother coming on this site. This is not what the site is all about !!!!!!

    What a jerkhole thing to say.. so I guess if I dont want to give a report on my favorite fishing spot then I am not welcome here, nice attitude….

    Mesa AZ
    Posts: 178

    I may be mistaken, but I took Walleyeben’s statement more along the lines of “I hate to comment that the fishing is sooo good because then the ‘Fish gods’ will punish me by giving every fish within casting distance of my boat, Lockjaw!!! That’s sort of one of those ‘Murphy Law’ things…

    Posts: 963


    If you’re the least bit hesitant to reporet here, Then don’t bother coming on this site. This is not what the site is all about !!!!!!

    a hole comments like this is why I’m hesatent to report fool, dig up my first report and you will find a bunch of nasty things that tools like your self posted following it… pretty lame, and also if you dig a little more you’ll find a plethera of reports I’ve posted in forums that have been dead for a while! I can find plenty of fish where ever I look I’m not a spot horder either as you can tell by my pile of pms!!! I live to help others, people that know can atest to this. This morning I gave up my last 4 suckers to a young lad who was catching nothing with in 3 minutes he had his biggest fish ever, when I left he was ear to ear. Grinning and wave while horseing in another as I pulled a way. Maybe if you don’t have any positive feedback or he11 even a report maybe you shouldn’t login

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Thanks for reporting Ben. Sounds like some decent fishing. Sometimes you just need to look past some of these guys on the forums.

    For me Ive seen better years on pool 2. Fishing isnt stupid easy like it is many years. Not getting out as much as in past years isnt helping either. Still finding fish on every trip anyways.

    Trempealeau, WI
    Posts: 381

    I had a decent bass bite going a couple weeks ago before I left for a Wyoming visit. Not tremendous numbers, but some bigger 19-20″ sm bass were making their presence known. Came back and it felt like the river had one foot in high-dirty water and the other was starting to feel the hot dog days and dead sea coming on. Glad to hear there is hope. I’ll keep trying!

    Peace out bros.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    I believe the lack of reports has more to do with the inconsistency of the river this year. Things have been going great at times and slow at others. When the water is on the rise it has shut down a lot of bites for me and some adjustments we have made have really paid out. I hate to tell the world at times so understand. Especially on the river here so close to the cities. When these fish get really dialed in and you put the work in to know this and figure it out…….. It is your right to keep it to yourself and your friends. General info is always best for others if you do share. Baits, depths, ect. Most the time when you see a report backfire it is due to someones feelings getting hurt Either anger, jealousy, or arrogance because of there opinion. Sometimes there intentions are good and mistaken and other times even god cant understand….. Never let that get to you. Its the internet and that will never change. I have seen first hand the good and bad of what too much info can do here on P2. For that reason I myself am selective about what I will share. Yet still am more than willing to answer questions and report on all around bites here. Usually the pictures I put up are more of the fun ones and tend to keep the attention away from my boat anyways

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