If you are reading this,you are probably asking yourself,”self” what the heck does a cane pole,a tiny trout stream,and a picture of a trout have anything to do with pool 4 walleye fishing? Much more than you realize actually! Read on if you are curious as to why.
Recently,I had a return trip home to SW WI for a funeral.Several years have passed since I have been able to get away to do so. As I am arriving back home to the old stomping grounds,I could not resist the opportunity to re-visit the first “secret spot” where my grandfather assisted me in catching my first fish ever. Armed with a 10 ft cane pole I made the attempt to re-live that experience after 46 plus years had passed.
The “sweet” spot of where the fish were holding had moved a few feet from what I recalled,but fish were present. I must admit, I was a bit rusty using a cane pole and getting the sweep & pitch dialed. I lost a few takers as I tried to do the “lift & land” technique with essentially a stick and a piece of line tied on. Finally,I was able to connect for a CPR volunteer to share with everyone reading this.
Still scratching your head as to what the heck this has to do with walleye fishing on the mighty Miss ? I will attempt to summarize,
Reading water for fish location and how the fish relate to changing water conditions,ie,clarity,temp,food,flow.The big river is really just a “supersized” trout stream.The ability to do so,overshadows any superior fishing equipment or “hot” bait.
I would suggest that if you were to just walk a trout stream for a few minutes a few times per year and dont even take a rod with you, your water reading skills will apply to your big river fishing success.It is the quickest way to look for and learn what a current seam is and how fish relate to them.
Finally,I would like to put a plug in for my fishing sponsors, Grandpa,dad,Ed,Jack,Dick, and the many friends who continue to teach me about fishing.Thanks for sharing with me not only the “how & why” of fishing,but most of all,the lifelong memory warranty !