Pool 8 Thursday thru Saturday

  • jig-fan
    Port Byron IL
    Posts: 413

    I fish pool 8 this weekend out of my in-laws boat house in Lawrence lake. The bite was a little tough for large walleyes, it seemed I could catch small walleye and saugers just about everywhere I fished. The Root river had the MN side of the river a mess below the mouth, I had to fish the WI side of the river to get any clarity. I found fish in running sloughs and on closing dams at the bottom end of sloughs. Pulling cranks and pulling bait both produced fish. I also caught plenty pitching hair jigs with crawlers. The bass bite was outstanding when you found them , I pulled 20+ keeper size bass off one hundred yard stretch of shoreline. There we a few pike mixed in to keep it interesting. It was a challenging trip with the flow increasing by the minute you just had to keep adjusting to the ever changing conditions. Here is a pic of one of the average smallies I was catching. P.S. that isn’t the good bass shoreline.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Nice job on Pool 8

    Atta boy staying on fish during the changing conditions

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    Nice job…I love that stretch of river.


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