walleye waters

  • Alex Sharrow
    adirondack park upstate ny
    Posts: 59

    so dec in my state just released walleye into a new pond about a year ago and was wondering wheres the best place to try catching the lake is 34 ft deep in the middle and some weeds any tips would be helpful and types of baits live or lures

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I would start with targeting deeper weed edges near inside turns with quick access to deeper water.

    Rip raps, jig raps, and small spoons with minnow head

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    so dec in my state just released walleye into a new pond about a year ago and was wondering wheres the best place to try catching the lake is 34 ft deep in the middle and some weeds any tips would be helpful and types of baits live or lures

    If the state just introduced about a year ago, would the walleyes be of catchable size by now? Just curious, perhaps NY does stock mature fish.
    Us out here in “flyover” country don’t know much about what goes on out east. tongue

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